Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Oh my God..My Heavenly Father

Sigh......Guy #3 is the hardest to blog about. After all, He is the ONE that broke my heart. (Sob! Sob! Sob!)

Well you see after giving up Guy #1 that i really liked and being a good friend to Guy #2 that I did not like, I actually felt kind of ultra frustrated. WHO am I going to date and marry??? become such a headache ? that tortures me every now and then.

One night, out of all curiousity and audacity, I asked GOD, my Father God the same question. But before I share about Guy #3 I want to share about how I became a christian, a follower of Christ.

On Becoming a Follower of Christ
I had been a christian since I was a 7 year old child. I had accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour while playing at the playground behind my previous, previous home while grandma the Hero chatted with the neighbourhood aunties. A young couple had come to play with us kids and started telling us that there is a God and He created everything and He loves us all. When the couple came to the part where God sent his Son Jesus to be like a man and to suffer on the cross to die for our sins. My tiny heart was pricked. Of course I understood what sin is all about. Naughty. Naughty.Naughty. Stubborn. Not obeying parents immediately. Lying. Hitting my siblings to make up for grandma who punished me for their mistakes. So unfair. So I hit them LOR! Transfer MA...Hee.

Immediately I felt I needed forgiveness from this Jesus as I had not been the best person that I had strived to be since it was expected of me being the eldest. I decided to invite Christ into my heart. I swear at that moment, I felt so warm I thought I had a sudden fever and in a flash, I saw my life unfold before me those scenes that I was fighting with my siblings and eating all the junk food at school but lying about the food that I had. That moment sealed in me the FACT that GOD is real and I will serve him when I grow up.

I did not go to church yet but God sure suddenly lead me to many christian friends at school and I bought christian books at school book fair (Peter James and John, Jonah and the Big Fish) and my mum's cousin gave me the very much cherished and read THE STORY OF JESUS. I still have this book/children bible.

God's Leading a step at a time
To cut a long story short I attended a charismatic church revival meeting at the National Stadium when I was 12 and gave my life anew to Jesus. There was no follow up so the next year, determined to be a christian, I rang up a church in the neighbourhood (from the Yellow Pages). That church pastor who had recently given up his secular career to serve God full time was asking God for a sign when I called. (Amazing isn't it).Well, eventually I grew up and helped him in prayer and admin work in this particular small family church where every one seem to be related to every one else.

So despite strong parental persecution, I grew up in this familychurch since 13 and moved on to serve in many ministries spanning nursery,children, youth, cell groups, prayer, ladies fellowship, administration and planning and a bit of worship and even leadership training. After 12 years of the close knit family church life, I felt God leading me to a more exciting place, a place where I can serve Him whole heartedly in worship with music (My calling and passion!!!!) in a church where lives are restored physically, emotionally, financially and spirtually. I was here in this mega church's worship ministry for 7 years. I love to sing on the stage. It is so satifysing, rewarding and life transforming at the same time. This is also the place where I met and married Yan who was the keyboardist and we had our sweet darling Rachel.

Currently, I am attending yet another lagi mega church whose nursery ministry is A Class. After all "I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way.Show them all the beauty the possess inside. Give them a sense of pride..." I want Rachel to be in an environment where she is "greatly blessed; highly favoured and deeply loved" My prayer before she is even conceived is that she will come to know Jesus as a child as well and serve him from her youth.

Like Joshua in the Bible, we shall say "But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord"

1 comment:

sarah said...

God works miracles in many ways... keep blogging..i want to read about the guys No 3 and 5... he he