Friday, 15 June 2007

Guy #2 verus Guy #4

Wonderful opportunity to blog as darling just slept. It's no joke looking after this active toddler full time. Imagine she bolted down the escalator a few hours ago and thank God I managed to sprint and rescue her before her head lands on the upper steps. Just last week she broke free and ran up the Suntec City escalator. May be I should carry her at all times or buy a Mothercare leash.

Any way back to the guys. I see some similarities between guy no 2 and no 4. Both of them are brothers in christ and they came into my life uninvited but not unwelcomed. Both of them were IT savvy, in order words the IT Geeks that turns me OFF.

Geeks and Nerds turn me off
I hate computing. In fact from the moment i laid my hands on my first PC in secondary school, the 5 1/4 inch floppy disk huge desktops, the 286, I already hated it. My first home PC was not even multi media, it cost $5000, came with 2 disk drives the floppy and the hard disk, not cd rom ok. My first printer was the Espon dot-matrix, super noisy. There were no copier or fax facilities. When i finally graduated in 1995, the internet scene was not so hot. We submitted assignments by submitting the diskettes. I don't remember emailing any one. We had the computer to computer chatting, the DOS system which was quite hot at that time. Bar coding became very in, almost every book shop scans bar codes, the POS (Point of Sale) system became common place.

During my university days I skipped almost all IT lectures, its too boring prefering to copy answers from the Nerds and Geeks. I remembered that the day before my IS (information systems) exam, I finally bought the text book and had only one day to studyfor the exam so i memorised the glossary and summaries . I burned the mid night oil for the whole night without sleeping at all and went straight to the exam after shower and chicken essence ( a must since primary school) of course. That was one exam that i really depended on God and to my surprise i had a B3. Not bad for someone who did not even know how the IT lecturers looked like. And many thanks to the Geeks and Nerds that lend me notes and answers for coffee time. (May be to them its a date at the NTU Canteen...Haha)

Aiya Wrong Channel
So IT people turn me off. So does guys that listen to 933 and 958, watch channel 8 drama, GOSH!!!! I cannot , I just cannot connect LAH. I struggled to speak proper Mandarin despite having studied, excelled at CL1 exams at Secondary school. But... AH HA...after exam it is AUTO DELETE mode. Up to this day I have no idea what the Dunman High School song was about, I usually only sing the first 4 words and lip sync all the way if any teacher happened to watch. My favourite TV channel is still CNA.

Guy #2 redeemed himself by being able to sing well. He was in the ACS choir. Unfortunately, I felt goose bumps those occasions when he sang to me. It was far from romantic in fact it caused me to cringe with much discomfort. He called me once before the Y2K Bug and sang on the phone. "....I wanna BATHE with you in the SEA".. My immediate reaction (unspoken) was "EEEEEEEEEEEE...YOU....NO WAY MEN!" Actually I just stepped out of the shower to answer that phone call, how corny can life get????

Cringing Exercises
During the Mooncake celebrations, a group of us went up Suntec City Sky Garden to admire the full moon and to eat moon cakes. It was my first time celebrating this traditional festival with friends. At home, we just eat lah. My favourtite activity was to peel the pomelo and eat those PIGS in basket mooncakes. They are cute. I ever accidentally burned a lantern, the cellophane type so I am no longer lantern crazy and will only buy rachel battery operated musical ones.

Well half way when i was eating mooncakes, this guy suddenly looked at me and sang "the moon represent my heart" by Theresa Teng. I almost choked. Its just did not feel right. Its the wrong song and wrong channel for me. May be if he had sang Moon River, or Memories I would sing along. Nevertheless, I continued to be a good friend to his "non potential" brother. HAHAHA

Guy #4 sings too. Not too well but good enough for us all to sing in the church worship team. Like Guy #2 he's very expressive and rather eager to make all the ladies feel good. Both Guy #2 and #4 can flatter you off the floor but thankfully I am deeply convinced I am not beautiful enough so no amount of flattery or praise even from my husband can change my mind about what i know its a reality. Come On..Whoever says that I am the most beautiful woman he had ever met is lying or had been dating Ugly Betties. But even Ugly Betty had nice features OK!!!!

Guy #4 had a lot of emotional baggages and I saw it as my duty to help him with them as he prepared himself for the NEXT one which I do not want to be. May be like Guy #2 he speaks too much mandarin, was IT Geeky, did not had a degree yet?? (I want my man to be much better than me in all aspects, thankfully Yan is, so its easy peasy to look up and really ADMIRE him). Any way I pretty much enjoyed the time spent with Guy #4 as he's so big brotherly though I am a year older.

There were many occasions where he would voluntarily picked me from the gym or spa for coffee while he "eat snake" at work since being in sales he's on the run all the time. He even brought me along to meet a certain tennis coach client and said I was his new girl friend. (How dare He!) We shopped a lot too. I was happy and eager to shop with any guy!!!Hahaha Once out of the blue, he said he wanted to give me surprise gift. and opened the boot of his car to retrieve a small little cube engraved with a little tiny violin. He said something that made me cringed i can't remember what he said but i remembered CRINGING. There was another occasion when he was driving and he asked me not once but twice "Do you know why I treated you so well?" (in mandarin) I pretend not to hear any thing, I knew of course but its very difficult for me to speak the truth. I am afterall, trying to get over Guy #3.Sigh!

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