Friday, 19 November 2010

I need sound-proofing

Sigh...I particularly hate it when my neighbour upstairs choose to drag furniture when I am trying to practice my violin. Maybe its their way of showing irritation but really we do not practice beyond 10pm and each practice is at most 90 minutes with several breaks in between.

Perhaps they are very upset with my beginner level but I could at least play a whole song and it sounded like the song!!!! Yes there are sour notes mainly intonation problems and the rhythm could be more tight but I am still trying to sight read and play at the same time. The answer is clear they hate music or classical music. Once I played Anne Sophie Mutter's dvd Beethoven's Spring sonata after dinner and I heard a distinct, " Such the f*** up!!" Boy.. ASM playing is superb and that's so 'disrespectful" Anyway, the downstairs neighbour is often fighting and yelling at one another and the poor domestic helper included. That is a worse form of "noise pollution".

Lord, I wish we could have a sound-proof music room. When we finally get our own place, I pray we could have sound proofed music rooms for intense practising even late into the night and could I ask for a grand piano as well????

Now, back to my practising. My teacher encouraged me to ignore these "feedbacks" and concentrate on instead "entertaining your audience!!!!". I will do that!!!! After all, both Lang Lang and David Garrett had their fair share of "complaints" It's part and parcel of the music making journey. Not everybody loves music but most appreciate good music.

God, help me, help my entire family to play well for you are the most important "live" audience that is always there to help us play better for your glory. Amen

Thursday, 18 November 2010

J'adore Jodrama

Wow..I've been watching a lot of Japanese movies and dramas lately. It all started with Nodame Cantabile Anime then the drama which led to a huge Tamaki Hiroshi craze and then mostly his movies and dramas.

This is like a tsunami that led to the whole family watching a lot of Japanese stuff and learning the language. Suddenly, we feel like visiting Japan, especially Tokyo and Hokkaido next year!!!

I remembered liking J-pop was I when I was rather young. Those cute boy groups and Ayumi. Also BoA and every now and then I would catch a teary movie in the local cinemas. Turns out most of the time japanese movies had sad endings.

Thank God for Nodame Cantabile, Love Shuffle and Waterboys (2001) movie, I need to laugh as well!!!

I'm now into another Tamaki-kun drama "Guilty Akuma to Keiyakushita Onna". The first thing I was wondering was the long title which also means " The Woman who made a Pact with the Devil??" This is on-going at the moment in Japan every Tuesday night and most of the time by Wednesday its available on youtube, tudou raw, meaning in japanese (though sometimes with Chinese subtitles- thank god most singaporean chinese read and understand mandarin). If you need English subtitles, wait a day or so more and visit my websites or or

In fact, I'm so into all these japanese dramas that increasingly I could watch them without the subs. This is the best way for me to learn a language on top of studying. When i was in my teens or late teens I picked up cantonese watching TVB dramas and also listening to Canto-pop. It was a breeze when I visited Hong Kong because I could converse fairly well as a tourist.

So, now about "Guilty". It is classified as suspense/romance. I am not particularly interested in detective drama but I will watch anything with Tamaki Hiroshi in it. I mean he's such a great actor. I watched him in Waterboys (2001) movie and he shone. It was almost like his movie!!! Hilarious and natural. Then Tada kimi wo Ashiteru caught me by surprise, very good acting from the shy introverted student with a passion for photography to the broken guy in the photo exhibition reconciling his past. Honestly, I cried too!!! How not to??? When it was so convincing.Those tears just rolled off his awesome cheekbones continuously.

Ya...I noticed, both in Nodame Cantabile dramas/ movies and Love Shuffle, that this actor is really good with crying scenes. Whether its "tears welled up in the eyes" or "sudden huge tear drop" or "waterfall" type, they seemed so natural on screen, whereas for some other actors, one could sense their "effort" in the tear production department. LOL

Anyway, this drama turns out to be rather interesting. The complexity of Meiko's character. Sometimes you feel compassion for her like Mashima (Tamaki Hiroshi) the police detective do. She had spent some 15 years in jail for murders that she did not commit. The scene where she was with Mashima at the sea was particularly heart wrenching. Imagine she had not seen the sea for more than a decade. She was "not used" to people treating her kindly and with respect.Contrast that with her sheer determination and evil smile that often accompanied each "assisted suicide". She could be so cold-blooded as well as the innocent looking proficient dog groomer.

Tamaki Hiroshi looks different in every drama. He was really skinny in the Shikaotoko ----- (The Fantastic Deerman) and also the Last Battle under the Orion. In Love Shuffle he was still very slim but very funny as Usatan. I like Takeo in KIDS with Teppei Koike, the big brotherly gangster on the outside but rather kind and sensitive on the inside. Of course, as Chiaki Shinichi he's PERFECT!!!!!!!! Though arrogant and prone to "domestic violence" on Nodame-chan. LOL

Now in Guilty, his character with all the messy wavy long hair and moustache, Mashima seem to be in his late 30s??? lives a lone (er??? can I move in to pack the mess???? LOL) and where I am now Episode 6, he's walking on tight rope, investigating Meiko who is presumed to be connected to the sudden deaths of the witnesses to the Poisoned Chocolate Cake incident 15 years ago that landed Meiko in jail. At the same time, his compassion and feelings for Meiko are growing. The only thing they have in common are scarred pasts and sheer loneliness and also the Miwa-san's cute dog. Oh the ending theme by JUJU, is so beautiful. PS: If ever I could spend a day with Tamaki san, i would like to record a duet with him in Japanese. (The lyrics need to be in romaji for my beginner level.) I love his sonorous voice, he sings from his heart, and our voices are definitely compatible. Dream on!!!!

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Nande ???????


It's "Why???" in Japanese which I happen to be learning almost everyday.

I've been catching up with quite a bit of japanese anime, drama and movies. From Nodame Cantabile to tear jerkers like Tada kimi wo Ashiteru aka Heavenly Forest, and Koizora aka Sky of love. Nande, most japanese movies I watched were about first love, lost and found and nande someone had to die to make it all the more devastating!!!

I can't help but remembered my past. I came to a point where I had to be frank with myself and realised too that I did and I still carry with me some emotional baggages from the past. I came to understand why I had been so devastated concerning guy #3 and everything pointed to the fact that I had in fact be unfair and selfish towards guy #1- aka My first love.

He WAS my first love though I never admitted it to him. I like to think of us as being platonic good friends / buddies both starting out on our first career as auditors. He was the first guy that I really liked. Those nice cheek-bones, muscular arms and tall lean physique made to look taller on the wobbly inline skates. Most of all, I liked his relaxed, confident temperament. We spend months chatting on the phone about anything under the sun and I love his speaking voice, the kind that I would allow a man to yak on and on because his voice to me was soothing. LOL.

Nande the first church that I grew up in for 11 years was so strict and conservative. I had tried not to fall for him but I was drawn to him in the first place right??????? He was the first guy I would share my heart with. I had felt very comfortable with him, I even felt a certain soul connection and I could possibly marry him. He would make a great spouse and father I had thought.

Nande he was of a different faith. In fact, he was quite open to anything. Nande God you would want me to give him up??????? Was it coincidence that a sister had prayed and fasted against our relationship??? But in my heart I know it was all about TRUST. It was the first spiritual test in my life. Do I trust you for someone better. How can we mortals fight with God??? In the end, its clear. With much tears and heartache, I forced myself to stop our communications and friendship. How do you break up with someone who was not officially a boyfriend???? For all I know these feelings could be one-sided. Nobody wants to be vulnerable and look foolish.

In reality, though I could feel his disappointment and sadness occasionally when I had to end the calls which became shorter and less frequent, signs that he possibly had some feelings for me. Nothing prepared me for those tears in his eyes on his wedding night. That memory still haunts me. The handsome bridegroom calling out the name of another woman, not once not twice but thrice with his new wife beside him as they thanked the guests who had come to the wedding dinner. His eyes were all red and teary. Drunk???

I was so worried and fought my tears too!!! I don't want to be embarrassed or leave him with a bad memory of me, a mere guest in tears at his wedding dinner. I remembered I had cried a lot when I was informed by him concerning his coming wedding. Nande I had misread the phone number and confused it was my now sister in law's. Both had the same few numbers with 2 in different order. I had to attend his wedding dinner since I had always wanted to see him in a suit looking all handsome and suave.

"You look handsome." That's all I could say and having a friend with me helped. I wanted to uphold the image of having everything within my control. I remembered the white grand piano near the lift of the hotel. It was similar to the dream I had years ago of dancing with a guy in white tuxedo who was playing, but I now understand to be Chopin Ballade in a bright room. Yan is good with this piece. He has this anointing to play classical piano really really well.

Sometimes I think my life is so movie like. It's easier to fully forget him since he was married. Surely then it was God's job to provide me with someone better as he had promised. Yes, he did give me the best, a male buddy, Yan who can help me musically since my love for music is forever growing.

Nande I suddenly dreamt of him in August 2010. Nande I was sharing my heart with him concerning our past, my feelings then especially and soon I was praying for him. It happened once I dreamt I was sharing my faith with a fellow school mate I came to befriend on the bus to secondary school. We eventually became good friends and she was my landlord for 10 months in 1999. Shortly after the dream, the scene (deja vu) happened and she accepted Christ.

Could it be God is up to something again??? On the same day, I found him in facebook. The word DESTINY hangs over the issue. Suddenly i remembered I had asked God to take him away from me. Not 7 but 7x2 years. This year its exactly 14 years since we first met and became good friends. There was a surprise meeting at Isetan Scotts with his wife and I was with Yan when he told me he was going to relocate to Japan. I've not heard from him then since I've moved countless times, lived without a computer at times and also lost countless handphones.

Nande this is exciting yet scary to me. Could I be mistaken??? What if the facebook is someone else??? Round 1: Confirmed it is him and he even gave me his office email address. Round 2: Will he reply my email? He did and offered to reply in greater detail since he is unwell.

Nande I worry over his health. It's been hazy these few days with the PSI moderating around 70-80. I remembered he was asthmatic and had to carry those ventolin inhalers with him. I remembered how those inhalers reminded me of him when rachel was a young toddler down with bronchities and was wheezing. Rachel too needed the steriod puffs before.Thank You Father for healing Rachel. Will you heal him too. I remembered when he shared about having hallucinations when he had a severe asthma attack and thought he was going to die. How could I EXIT his life so heartlessly as a friend???

Perhaps I know myself too well. I can't bring myself to be open with my feelings for him then or the church's stand on "unequally yoked relationships.". I did not know how to share with him those "things of God" and how I must trust God for a holy man. All I knew was I wanted to run away. To disappear. Forever.

Nande. It's all coming back!!! I am feeling so nostaglic and sentimental now.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Tamaki Hiroshi Craze

I've been feeding on japanese food, anime, TV dramas, music and am studying hiragana and katakana. Suddenly, the japanese elective that I was forced to take up while awaiting for my first choice of studying French in my university days started to appeal to me.

This time it is Manga and Anime and Japanese drama powered.

From Nodame Cantabile Anime to the super handsome Chiaki (Tamaki Hiroshi), my family is watching Japanese TV dramas every night!!!!! Rachel is picking up and learning japanese and my latest craze is the 30 year old Tamaki-san that not only acts very well but surprises me with his vocals and guitar playing too!!! His voice is velvety and well suited for ballades though he could do pop and rock as well. I particularly enjoyed the Times album though I prefer the photos in the Bridge album. Clean-shaven and not too skinny look better on ya, Tamaki-san.

As the perfectionist Prince Chiaki who excels in both the piano and violin and later on became a conductor, Tamaki-Hiroshi captures the hearts of many with his acting. He learnt to play certain piano pieces (possibly sections of it- for the filming) and conducting. In the movie I, there's a part where he took up the violin and as a violin student, I am impressed with the act of playing violin confidently. Somehow, when actors like Adrien Brody (he learnt to play the Chopin Nocturne for The Pianist), somehow, it FUELS and INSPIRES me to all the more put in more effort and produce better music. It's the effort, I am talking about.

I like the romantic comedy Nodame Cantabile. Ueno Juri as Nodame is so hilarious. Yes, she did outshine, her sempai (senior). I would love to act this role too!!!!! Though in real life, i am far from messy, dirty or that desperate for a man. I think I am more like Kiyora, who set high goals and get things done type. A sort of natural leader that exudes calm confidence.

Anyway, from Shinichi Chiaki, (I actually find the anime version more handsome!!!!) I went on to The Fantastic Deer Man. Shikaotoko Aoniyoshi a 10 episode suspense with plenty of japanese folklore and archaeological sites. Although Tamaki-san look really gaunt and almost starving in this role, his acting is by far the best. As Ogawa sensei, he's so nervy, timid with the 'loser' mentality that I wanna step into the drama and "shake him up". "hey!!!get a grip!!! Be positive. You can do it!!!!" etc Amazing acting, those jealous faces munching away deserves the Best Actor award indeed. When Hotta-san kissed him (the teacher that she initially hated much), both Rachel and I cried out in unison, "I want to kiss him too!!!" SO FUNNY, indeed!!!

Another thing, he is really good and natural in making us want to weep alongside him. The audience can feel the characters anguish and I credit that to being good in expressing emotions as most musicians and artistic personalities do. Some actors struggle much to achieve the same few effect while others like Hiroshi they just transmit the feelings on film naturally. Bravo!!!

Tada Kimi Wo Ashiteru, or Heavenly Forest is one art film that I would like to collect. The whole movie is beautifully made and directed and there's something so touching as first kiss/love. Personally if I am a man, i would be very put off by the female lead with her awful spectacles and terrible clothes and mannerisms. Likewise, i would shun Nodame and call her all sort of names. In both cases, the handsome lead falls for the unlikely and became even better guys. Perhaps, there is a part of us, women that craves being loved even when we think we are unlovely. This is one area I struggle the most, I still think I am not beautiful enough despite much assurances. Ha, perhaps the reason why I am drawn to handsome musical beings (including my best friend turned husband) since I was young. LOL

The Tamaki-Hiroshi fever rages on. Yesterday I chanced upon his cds in Singapore!!!! and suddenly, I am listening and watching him. How blessed I am should we meet one day sans the screaming fans. Ha. I have nothing but deep admiration and appreciation for this versatile artiste who excels both on and off screen.

Tamaki-san, domo Arigato.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Oh Edward! Sigh..........

Handsome. Slim. Smart. Well-mannered. Super rich. Eloquent.Poetic. Thoughtful. Caring. Protective. Sensitive. Musical. Attentive. Appreciative. Selfless. Perfect. Respects human life. Self-controlled Loves you and you alone forever. The list goes on. That's what I gather of the 109 year old virgin Edward who is forever 17 in Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Saga.

I am currently about to finish book 3, Eclipse after I enjoyed the best movie of the year with both my husband and my girl 5. I always prefer to watch the movie first then the book, I don't know why but there's something beautiful about being able to "see" through the directors' eyes, the characters, the scenery and yes even how the pace and the plot develops even when it is based on the book.

Edward is the grim reminder that no such perfect guy exists in this fallen world. Imagine, he is the type that will get ready the dish-cloth to help Bella when she was about to start washing the dishes. Most guys will disappear and appear when the timing is right. Most guys will be like the dad, Charlie who will be glued to the TV, easily satisfied with a huge delicious porton of home-cooked food.

What I particularly loved about Edward is his taste in music and his musical abilities. He can sing a lullaby and hold Bella to sleep in his cold arms and serenade her with piano music. Of course, as a vampire, he does not need to eat or sleep only hunt occasionally large animals to satisfy his thrist. Another major plus factor, he's always there to cradle her face, brush her cheeks, kiss her and play with her hair. Oh I love that!!! All the gazing deep into the eyes of the one you love takes place mainly before marriage and kids anyway. Sigh...

The other night I actually dreamt of Edward!!! By the way the very first Cullen I dreamt of was Dr Carlisle. Ha. It was a silly dream about conversing with a doctor and I was "studying" his pale face and light brown almost golden eyes. He looked so unreal in the dream yet like the actor Peter Facinelli, he was handsome and cool!!!! Very nice light blonde hair.

The Edward dream was really hilarious. I was watching some high school performances where each team was to take turns and jam on the stage, their own rendition of a certain newly composed song. Most teams did not make it. Either their grooves were out of order or the leads were unable to sing in pitch or whatever. I was laughing at these silly performances because they were so ridiculous!! Then I realised Edward, aka Robert Pattinson lookalike was beside me, laughing in a surreal voice almost melodic but with bell like tone and God!!! Is it really Edward in the movie beside me??? I gasped in the dream, my mouth slightly apart. I was totally mesmerised by his beauty. The perfect jawline, he was at my right, the high nose and sculptured cheek bones and oh..the glistening skin that I could not take my eyes off. So shiny and radiant and pale yet with very light pink undertones.

I was about to ask him," Are you real, Edward?"when Rachel woke me up with a sudden kick to my side. Yes, she jolted me back into reality and crushed the dream fantasy just like that. I know if the dream goes on, I will probably hug and kiss him just to see what it is like!!! Cold, soft yet masculine lips??? Strong, marble like arms??? Maybe I've been reading each night one or two chapters of the book that so captured my heart and soul that its in my sub-conscious. But I really enjoyed the technicolour, 3D, surround sound, well texture dreams that had entertained me since my childhood. Sometimes my dreams are so real, its like watching or being in a movie. No wonder I aspired to be an actress when I was younger and a director after that!!!

Very likely after Eclipse, I will continue with Breaking Dawn. I just cant wait to finish the best non-ficition, almost literature novels that I've ever read in my life.

Thank God for blessing Stephanie Meyer with such a rare talent, such a beautiful writing style. I've become a fan of the entire series and fan of Robert Pattinson as well.

I've watched Remember Me and I think Robert Pattinson is one great actor. Not only is he eye candy, musical and with a nice sense of humour, this guy can really express himself, musically and his acting touches me. He's definitely going to greater heights in this career and in no danger of being type-cast at all, despite the long success of the Twilight Saga.

PS....Hey, Rob, I believe you will enjoy even greater success in whatever you do.
Be true to yourself and all the fans say, "We love you." And I add," Thank God for you."

Monday, 14 June 2010

J'adore Joshua Bell.

I was elated when I finally bought the tickets to the Joshua Bell concerts last weekend. His performance was part of the Singapore Arts Festival 2010 and with the highly sought after Academy of St Martin in the Fields.

The first night, I sat directly first row, in front of him and watched in awe as he conducted and played (also danced) the violin with such perfect virtuosity. I was totally raptured in the very sweet, sweetest I've ever heard violin, the 1713 Gibson ex Huberman Stradivarius that was the price of his posh well designed Manhattan Penthouse in the Gerard Butler issue of Architectural Digest.? I felt like I was in heaven, I forgot the entire dramatic week that had me so physically and emotionally drained and received like nourishment for my soul from God through his beautiful playing.

Personally, I prefer a more mellow sound for the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in E minor Op 64, but Joshua Bell's playing was so beautiful, lyric and passionate I felt that I was one with the music and the composer Mendelssohn too!!! The other piece that I had the same feeling of "oneness" was Max Bruch's Violin Concerto No 1 in G minor, Op 26. It sort of "speaks" to me those heart wrenching movements reminds me of my past feelings, moments, thoughts and they were all captured in those dramatic movements.I was indeed privileged to watch Sarah Chang performed it live in the same Esplanade concert hall in April this year.

I loved to watch Joshua Bell play the violin. I love his "dancing' movements and OH, the beautiful hair that bounces here and there, one minute it was all wet with perspiration and the next it seemed drier and bouncy again. Frankly, he should endorse some shampoo for he still has such lustrous nice locks past 40 when most men I know are showing more scalp.

Watching him and listening to his exquisite playing, one can't help but thank God for creating, nurturing and sharing with us such a talent. It is like Joshua Bell is made to play the violin really well, giving Glory to God and I felt so blessed as a audience, a violin student to watch him play live!

I was also very surprised that he can conduct very well as Ist violin with the Academy of St Martin in the Fields orchestra. They brought to life the Beethoven Coriolan Overture Op 62 and later after the intermission the Beethoven Symphony No7 in A major, Op 92. The very contented audience was happy to applaud non stop and most were on their feet like I do, thanking him for such a wonderful perfect performance. Right before the intermission, he gave a cheeky very effortless Yankee Doodle Paganini style with many variations, all the difficult, double-stopping, harmonics and spizzicatos that left me with my jaws slightly apart in awe and deep admiration. I was saying, "God, when can I play like this?????? dreamily and audaciously!!!!!"

Despite all the hard work on the stage, Mr Bell took time to sign the long queues of autographs and was very gracious to pose for a photo when the security was rather strict on the first night. "One autograph per person, strictly no posing etc etc"

The second night, after the sprightly Mozart Overture to The Marriage of Figaro, K492, Joshua played one of my favourites, Beethoven's only violin concerto in D major Op 61, again with his own cadenzas. I imagined it must be so tough composing one's own cadenzas when there are popular ones used composed by Joachim and Fritz Kriesler. I loved the originality in the artiste and who knows one day I may make up one myself..haha after playing violin for the rest of my decade years. Muahahaha!!!

Though the second night's performance of the Beethoven Symphony No4 in b flat major op60, ended without an encore. The autograph queue was treated to a can of free diet coke, not my liking though, and thankfully the gracious Mr Bell signed another autograph for me and posed this time 2X with me. I feel very happy to be near a great artiste, to hear him play the violin so well and to take home an autograph and pictures to inspire my little one, Rachel 5, who was too young to attend the concert.

Thank you very much Mr Joshua Bell and God the Father for bringing him to bless Singapore!!!!!!!!!

A Dramatic Week Indeed!

It's been a rather dramatic week, the past week. Through a series of email and smses, suddenly my sister in law Sarah and her toddler Aerin,3 were here in Singapore and stayed with us throughout their 5 days. The original plan was to book a seaside chalet for their family and we could invite the entire extended families for BBQ gathering and Karaoke plus beach activities like cycling and skating. Well, its a good thing that they insisted on staying put with us as my dad was suddenly hospitalised for a few days due to a GOUT attack, and so shortly after his fishball noodle stall was re-opened. (The entire food centre had been closed for some 11 months for major renovations.)

Personally, I prefer to host when there is a proper guest room, with air-con, internet, TV video and best with room service provided for by the domestic helper. That's so ideal, isn't it??? To make do, we had housed Sarah and her kid in our favourite music room where all the precious and fragile musical instruments are, and asked God that nothing, absolutely nothing gets damaged and the very hands on kiddo will not be harmed in any way by falling music stands and whatever heavy books there are on the piano and the table. The night before their arrival we tried to "toddler proof" the place but there is only so much we can do.

Rachel was trained from a young age to handle remotes and things especially books with care. Aerin on the other hand had some "records" like peeling buttons off remotes and computers which was rather shocking to us. Our TV is barely a month old!!!!! SO is the blu-ray player, but we decided to TRUST in the Lord and leave those precious things as they gotta be, on the coffee table.

I can't relax though, with 2 more persons in the house, the chores seemed to have doubled. Instead of daily laundry its laundry (wash cum dry) twice a day so that the guests will have clothes to wear since they only brought 2 sets!!!!I usually pack a lot since I may change my mind what to wear for both myself and rachel. Then, I could not leave the dishes or cups in the sink and had to make sure there are plenty cups for the next day. Should have use the disposable ones when they are around.

In the end, they chose to sleep in the same room as us. Why???? save air con??? I don't quite know but it means sleepless nights for many days as the kid cries a few times a night, sometimes wailing out of fear or wet nappies??? I had already lost touch with such nights. Besides once Rachel was read to, prayed over, she sleeps like Sleeping Beauty till almost 930-1000am in the morning, waking only once to pee around 6pm. And oh, I've always been a light sleeper and as soon as there is noise, birds or snoring,, I wake up with goldfish eyes till the next morning.

Then came the most melodramatic part!!! On Wednesday, instead of bringing Aerin along for Rachel and my violin lessons for added exposure, we found ourselves, all 5 of us, 3 adults and 2 kids on the coach to kluang early in the morning and dashing from place to place until we finally placed the sick and suffering mother in law in a good and clean nursing home of her choice very near her home.

It's sad that things are so unpredictable. Last month she was still "thinking" that I might be pregnant since Rachel and I were joking about what to name Yan. I love "David"(David Beckham, David Garrett), she likes "Robert" (Robert pattinson) and mil thought we were thinking of a new name for the non-existent grandson.
Then news came that she fell time and time again, injured her legs and became rather lucid. She hallucinates as a result of the medication and terrified the domestic helper with stories of her long dead husband beside her on her bed, causing her to roll off the bed in fear etc It seemed her time is near, as many relatives believed along with my dad.

One relative/friend was alarmed that after chatting with her for a long time, she asked "Who are you?" "Why are you in my house?" Her sudden deterioration alarmed us and we feared a fatal fall (like my mum and her foster mum) and made the decision to place her where good care 24/7 can be given her to minimise the risk and her discomfort. It's a hefty $1300 Rm before medical expenses and we are trusting God for provision to meet this need. We will choose to believe that God had already paid all the outstanding bills, credit bills, loans and whatever and provide us with a house and a car and all the funds we need for music lessons and rachel's home education.

We returned on the same day with peace in our hearts that we had done our best. God had blessed us with parents, good or bad according to our own needs and interpretation but they cannot be with us forever. The earlier one is prepared to let go and let God, the better. My own mother endured some 4 years of chemotheraphy with all the painful ups and downs. We spent a bomb with money we don't have, risked bankruptcies, for the hope of prolonging her life and in the end, her eventual passing, considered swift and painless with all the morphine in her, and many chances of gathering the whole family together to hold her hands and watch her breathe her last. At the end, the indicators for heart rate, BP and whatever was like haywired and suddenly, her laboured breathing became less and less frequent and in an instant she became a non-living object though still warm and stiff to touch. I pray God will spare me from watching another die. It's very traumatic and those scenes lingers on in dreams for months and years.

Anyway,the next day, we managed to have a day of fun, almost like celebrating that mil is in good care, with a Singapore River cruise, some shopping and RWS where we dined at Hard Rock cafe. I think the kids suffered much too in this dramatic turn of events. Rachel, now 5, asked "Is popo dying?" She was 3 when she saw me cradle my very sick and skeletal mum's head (with a bloody white towel) as she lie in a huge and spreading pool of blood. Mum had woken up and fell on her way to the toilet I presumed while the kids and I were playing snake and ladder waiting for our dinner. When I heard the loud "THUD" I shouted "SHIT!!! and dashed to the bedroom where she had been sleeping for a long time refusing to eat and she can't eat much then. That same day, her doc told us to prepare for the worst and dad and Ron went to book the niche???"

For someone who is haemophobic, when I saw my mum though conscious in pool of fast spreading dark red blood I became hysterical and very fearful she will die in my arms while horrified and worrried that Cheryl, then 5 (Rachel's cousin that I was helping to care along with the chores) and Rachel had this A&E scene in their memories complete with paramedics and the orange ambulance stretcher.It's also double whammy that my handphone which had been behaving wildly for the past few days would shut off, refuse to start up when I need to call the ambulance. In the end I used to home phone to dial for emergency and Yan whose number was the only one I can recall in a state of shock. I was hyperventilating and praying and pleading with Jesus. It's something I NEVER want to go through ever!!!

That night we, including the terrified kids, had Yaki tori dinner at 1130pm in Changi hospital outside the A&E department. That dinner was bought earlier by my sister who did not had a chance to answer the calls or read sms from Yan telling her about my mum's fall and the ambulance on they way. She came home with the dinner and arrived at the bloody scene first hand and was totally shaken and started weeping. She had arrived before the ambulance just like in those taiwanese movies that my mother loved to watch, very drama indeed!

Thankfully, the physically and emotionally exhausting week ended on high notes with not one but two Joshua Bell concerts which will be another entry altogether.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

What a strange dream.

I am a persistent dreamer. I am good at day-dreaming and most nights I dream dreams in full colour, HD quality complete with sound tracks usually classical-strings, clarinets and piano sometimes with compositions that I am not familiar with.

I think I inherited my "dreaming" gene from my parents who were often comparing their dreams. My late mum said her dreams were black and white like the TV she grew up watching. I thought it strange. Oh!!! I never needed contact lenses when I am in dreamland. Everything is so real, all my senses are alive and the best part is I often wake remembering in detail my dreams.

Lately, while my good friend was in Hong Kong for a family holiday, I dreamt a rather weird dream concerning her. In it, she was totally radiant and happy and sharing with me how someone she had not been in active contact for a long time, a certain guy whom she deeply loved had surprised her with a proposal on their first date. I was elated to hear the good news and was jumping with joy for this dear friend of many years when her phone rang and her brother was on the line with rather bad news. Her mum suffered a heart attack and the undertakers were on the way to help set up the wake etc. I was shocked and did not know how to react. One moment ago I received news from a friend, long awaited good news of a good marriage prospect. We were jumping up and down for joy on mount everest so to speak and the next I had to feel her deepest pain of losing a mum so suddenly. I was totally speechless and my mind was very blanked. I thought to myself. Oh God!!!Have mercy!!

What happened next in the dream was totally shocking!!! Instead of weeping for her recent loss of a loved one, my friend was ever more exuberant and excited. She was hilariously happy as if she had won the best top lottery prize in the world. I watched her in total disbelief and sheer horror. The next thing I knew Yan woke me up for church service at Suntec City.

What a strange dream. When i shared with Yan he thought it was weird and "a little bit funny," to Elton John's Your Song. Later, just before church service, I had a revelation that the dream was really symbolic. It meant the end of reign of a really domineering mum and the true freedom that she yearned for will materialise.

Imagine my surprise when this friend mentioned that is what she is yearning for exactly- freedom to lead her own life. I can't wait to see her blessed in the area of marriage and family which we had been praying for almost a decade now.

My Twilight years

I chanced upon the Twilight dvd while at the esplanade library last week. Isn't it amazing that we have a library that one can borrow videos, cds and movie screenplays etc. Personally, I am a cd and dvd collector even though one can easily download all these itunes and videos online. Perhaps its the ownership thingy. I prefer to have my favourite movies in my hands, read and reread whatever inserts there are and then there is the all time bonus stuff like subtitles (a must esp for french movies), and the making of the movie, interviews with casts etc etc.

I watched Twilight twice and the accompanying bonus dvd once. I loved it!! It brought back fond memories when I was young (pre-teens to late teens) and deeply obsessed with The Dark Forces, Twilight Zone, and later chilling vampire tales by Anne Rice. Interview with the Vampire was to me a classic, I had the Laser Disc(LD) then costing $50 and nothing haunted me like the jealous vampire girl Claudia.

In my girlish and womanish fantasies, yes, who would resist a eternally handsome, young, charming seducer with superhero capabilities. He can protect you yet there was this mysteriously dark sensuous pull towards death versus the quest for true love???????? Maybe this explains my penchant for handsome musical beings. And Edward Cullen (actually more Robert Pattinson) is yet another handsome talented UK actor, only 24 who sings well and composes on the piano and the guitar. The scene and the ending bonus of him playing the Kawai baby grand was totally mesmerising to me. (And I actually dreamt of a man in white tuxedo playing a white grand in a bright room when i was in my youth and did end up marrying Yan, a pianist.)

"I think Edward plays the piano better than daddy." I casually commented but Yan's number one supporter protested," Nonsense, Daddy is better than him and also Lang Lang!!!!!!!!" Oh...Lang Lang is definitely way up there, thanks to his strict but sacrificial parents, his driving desire to be No 1 and pretty much God watching over his every step, blessing him with plentiful favours and opportunities. We will be going to see him perform at the esplanade concert hall next year, hopefully without paying sky-high concert prices for the entire family. The Berliner Phiharmonic is coming here with Sir Simon Rattle late this year and the most expensive ticket will cost $680, while the most affordable at $80 will be snapped up in no time since it is very limited in quantity.

I believe that my fondness of such books ultimately influenced my being drawn to melancholic, musically inclined handsome guys who seemed impossible, unavailable, aloof and mysterious. Looking back, this could be why I allowed myself to fall for Wilson. He seemed so cold-blooded and inaccessible most of the time. Yet I was totally drawn to him when he sang alongside me in the church worship team for 2 years and tried to play Ballade Pour Adeline for me. Unfortunately, complications arose when the leadership tried to "make things happen" etc. Nevertheless, I thank God, that horrible, all too painful episode of my life was ten year past and I am blest with someone better, a male buddy. (My Jacob???? friendly, trustworthy, always available.)

Wait a minute!!! I am no Bella. I am certainly not shy nor am I clumsy though I know I am courageous when it comes to relationships yet squeamish with all things blood, shit and vomit. Yet like her, I am willing to follow my instincts and plunge myself into the deep sea of eternal love when I know the right person.

It's funny, as a kid I watched Bram Stoker's Dracula with my mother and now I am watching Twilight with my daughter.OH!!! i thought the daddy vampire is quite cute, that Dr Carlisle, it can only mean one thing, I am more matured now!!!!!. Afterall, Robert Pattinson is more than a decade younger than moi. Still, he makes the movie very compelling and I can't wait to watch New Moon, Eclipse and whatever they are filming now- Breaking Dawn.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

The many hats I wear

Apart from chores and home-schooling Rachel, I am forever wanting to go shopping and also to practice my violin.

Chores wise, thanks to the machines, Mr dishwasher, Mr washer and Mr dryer, I spent most of my time cleaning floors (short cut paper method most of the time) and occasionally Miss Osim Mermaid. Ironing happens only once a week 10 pieces since Yan returned to the work force. It's relaxing and if done in air-conditioning with the TV or music on, quite therapeutic. We hardly cook since we moved here since with 7 eleven at our doorstep, many conveniences abound and largely because we prefer to eat out.

Home-schooling wise. Rachel is fantastic. We're about to finish the Pri One English and Math and apart from composition, she still writes with a very egotistic, huge hand-writing, short sentences, we are ready to progress on to the next level. Her mandarin is making much progress since she completed the Hanyu Pinyin for pre-schoolers, she does recognise a whole lot of chinese characters. Writing chinese is another thing altogether. It's alright that she learn to speak and understand basic conversational chinese first. Though I pretty much prefer she does not need to, and therefore I do not need to teach Mandarin at all.

It takes much effort on my part since I need to consult English-Chinese dictionary sometimes. I hardly speak mandarin at all. But since its important, even the foreigners are learning the language and culture as Chinese we should embrace the language and excel in it if possible. I did CL1 or chinese as the first language from 13-16 years old and afterwards I was exempted from the language examinations having scored distinctions in the O level exams. Shortly afterwards, I became monolingual. I spoke only Mandarin to my late mum and after she died in 2008, I hardly have to use the language at all.

I so envy my husband who does not speak or read Mandarin and he is Chinese!!!! Well, as a former Malaysian, Melayu was his mother tongue and he was even in the debate team!!! It's an added advantage when we travel to Malaysia, he could read signs everywhere and communicate to the local people very fluently.

French. Its the official foreign language in this family. I had a french tutor once in my early 20s while he did A level French. Rachel adores the language and whenever possible, especially with DVD, we would learn la francaise together and appreciate the culture. We so want to visit Europe soon and live there when we are ready.

Rachel understands why she is home-schooled. At this moment she loved the fact that she can "control" her time to play, to study, to learn music, to watch tv, go movies, to go shopping, visit the bathroom, have meals etc instead of "following a structure time table from Mon to Fri plus CCA on Sat. Please do not be mistaken that everything is wishy-washy here. We do have a time-table, in fact we had updated it thrice, its reviewed every 6 months according to her rapid progress and each day she puts in 1-2 hours on music, another 1-2 hours on art / free play, another 1-2 hours on languages inclusive of grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, another 1-2 hours on math/science/history and the rest watching TV, little chores and cooking.

We are flexible too, if she watches a cartoon in French/Mandarin, it could be counted as learning that language for the day. Art is often infused with many subjects from languages to the sciences and music.

A review of her time-table is due in June. Due to her longer attention span and interests, we will (we already are) having music lessons daily. At this beginner level, I am the primary piano teacher and I supervises her when she practises the violin. I am also teaching her theory with games and I do play for her enjoyment little music pieces within my ability and sing along the disney love songs and other pop songs usually sentimental that we both love.

Singing is very important!!! I learnt to sing before I had the chance to learn any instrument and it certainly helps in achieving the bel canto tone essential for good violin playing. Whether its the piano or the violin, a good musician will make the instrument sing!!!!!! It's a VOICE and sometimes many layers of voices I do hear!!!

Exercise is so important to a growing child and we do climb stairs whenever possible and I let her bike or scoot about when the weather permits. Last sunday, Rachel participated in her inaugural Cold Storage Kid's Run 2010 and she wants to take part again next year. She wants to be Number one but with her tiny frame its kinda impossible. She is 5 years old equivalent to a 3 year old caucasian build. Anyway, its good healthy fun, bonding too when she ran alongside the daddy while I spent the precious moment at home figuring out this:

Monday, 10 May 2010

It's May

Wow...time flies!!!! It's May now!!!

Thankfully the past few months had been great. We had a new HDTV, payable via credit card instalments while the original TV from our first matrimonial home is received with enthusiasm from Rachel. She now has her own TV/DVD system to watch her many animated movies in the sheer comfort of her own room. I had imagined she having her own handphone first but she has NO desire for one yet, preferring to play the games in both our phones.

A new TV great but unfortunately the huge living/dining area in this rented apartments does not have air-conditioning!!! Room temperature can be as high as 34 deg celeius since the West sun beams strongly directly and the dark-out curtains did little to block out the sun. It's quite pointless to stay home in the afternoon and use the air-con full blast when the walls are hot to touch and the furniture and floors really warm. So, usually in the afternoons, I will be studying and shopping the some malls and be home when the sun sets. Our aircon bill has been going up since my kid needs the air con to sleep or do anything at all!!!

The only thing I liked about this place, Neptune Court is the size of the apartment. 1636sq feet feels just nice for a family of 3 but personally we could make do with something twice or thrice this size since we have so much "possessions" and furniture but also I often envisioned my home with a living area so large that we can place a big grand piano. I was checking out the outdoor set with Yan at Ikea last night but personally I think it safer to have on on ground floor beside the swimming pool and the well maintained garden (implying the need of a gardener).

With less than 3 months of the lease left, I really do not know if we are moving???? Ideally, we should be able to renew for a year or two, at a favourable rate, by God's grace, so as to minimise disruption in Rachel's young life and purchase our own place when the market crashes!!!

I sounded EVIL but I am so praying for the asset bubble to super burst so that ordinary folks like us can get our own apartments. Many 3 bedroom flats in Marine Parade are asking for 350K-450k and those of private, freehold commands $1m to above $2m. Rental too seems to be escalating. Somehow I feel the government is not doing enough to REGULATE property prices, be it COV or restricting private property owners from buying HDB flats meant for lower income majority. Still, God is my provider and HE is able to provide us with a good, comfortable and even luxurious home. Nothing is impossible with him and I no longer worry myself sick over where I am going to stay, the horrendous packing for 3, the equally exhausting unpacking and re-organising for almost 3. This alone can put me off having more kids. Imagine packing for 5!!!!

Twins run in my family and there is nothing more horrifying than ending up with 3 children when you just wanted to add one more cute baby to the family.

Rachel is ready to get out of this HOT house!!! So here we come, shopping centre for studying in comfort and general shopping. Today I need to buy bathroom mats and a whole lot of other needs!!!

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Kluang Mother's Day Reunion

This can be a rather interesting post. The fact is the after praying and believing God, my sister in law Sarah's family was able to join us at her mum's place in kluang for the Inaugural Mother's Day Reunion.

While I had imagined a lot of dining out at Red Star Restuarant or wherever convenient with good food, we ended up with the usual food prepared by my mother in law's (mil) helper, a auntie in her 40s with 4 kids that lived about 4 units away on the same street.

One thing I learnt from these home cooked food, usually stir fried veg with ikan bilis or anchovies and fried soya sauced or tomato sauced fish fillets or simply pork rib soup with carrots and corn is that home cooked food need not be so "cuisine". I shall occasionally prepare stir-fry beansprouts and lotus soup with carrot, dried scallops etc instead of mainly western grill that I so loved. Fruit salads and food that my fussy eater loves like crabstick, fish balls, chicken, pasta are a must.

Our first stop at Kluang after the no frills bus ride on Five Stars from Golden Mile Complex aka Singapore's mini Thailand sans all the red, yellow shirt protesters was to Milky House for a Mother's Day cake. OMG, that cake house must be famous, it was packed with customers!!! I've never seen so many people buying cake at the same time and we bought 2 for about RM20 each, dirt cheap!!! One decent half kg cake here costs easily S$20-30. One thing I hate about shopping in Malaysia is most shops do not understand simple English!!! Yan had to translate every thing!!! "Is it freshly baked?" We were still spooked by the incident in Rachel's childcare.

During her 2nd birthday which was a day 03 Jan, after the NY holidays, we bought 2 cakes from a reputable shop in Parkway. One for the childcare centre, the other for our family. While the cake tasted alright, our family was down with diarrhea for a few days!!! It should be the cake since we ate nothing much in common those days!! Then to my horror, I was told that the cake may have "aged" since the shop was closed for the NY holidays which means the cake was baked last year!!!!Thankfully none of the kid took ill. Enough said, it took me a while to buy cakes again!!!

Since our family adores chocolate and dislike vanilla and Sarah's family prefers vanilla, we bought 2 only to receive one more, pandan flavour from the same shop from guests. The guests were a young couple, think they are Yan's cousins (though not blood related) with their 2 month old colicky baby that wailed for a long time. It was a chaotic hour or so, with mil's TV at loud volume, people talking at louder volume and the baby wailing for attention at a louder volume. I felt dizzy then!!! Noise-related pollution!!! Just like the ones emanating from VJC, I cannot understand why they must bang on metal trash bins to cheer lead various activities and shout "VJ..VJ>>VJ" and make me hate my alma mater so much that I called the police to complain about the noise and the vibrations in my house!!! I am most probably the first to lodge a complaint since most residents here being elderly could be hard of hearing. Most are old retired school teachers as well.

A visit to Kluang must include the newly opened Kluang mall. I am so glad to let Rachel play at the "Polliwogs" type of playground and its ony RM$4 for 2 hours verus $18 entrance fee at the Eact Coast Parkway location. While the dutiful dad watched over her listening to his ipod, I had my pedicure cum nail art for only RM$48 so cheap!!! Only trouble is the manicurist is only conversant in local Mandarin and no English fashion mags for my reading pleasure!!

My bro in law, Paul also brought us to savor the Tingkat beef. Its delicious!!! Only RM $4.50 a bowl.

At Kluang Mall, I also managed to buy a balloon sculpture, "Lollipop" that "popped" within a few minutes!!!! These are mainly for customers who signed up expensive children's education software retailing at RM1000+ and the balloon sculpturist agreed to sell me these "free" balloons. From RM$10 to RM $3, I could tell he is a money-faced that readily accepts "bribes" though dispensing company products "balloons" that are meant to be for customers.

Well Rachel and Aerin had a great time with the balloon sculpture leftovers!!!

Mil also passed us some old coins mostly S$5 and $10 commemorative uncirculated coins and Old Orchid series banknotes that her late husband had collected. Anyway since we do not enjoy collecting and amassing these old stuff, we are going to sell them and save the cash for Rachel.

Lastly, I must say I quite enjoy walking uphill 10 minutes in the hot sun with an umbrella to Kluang Mall from mil's place, something that no locals will do, walk!!! But it's good exercise and I do get to see the poor living conditons of some "villagers??" In fact, my mil's helper the auntie's slippers were so worn out and fastened with tape that I immediately felt sorry for her and her brood of 4 kids!!! I shall get her new footwear on the next visit or through Yan/Sarah. Why should she suffer the agony of improper spoilt footwear and cook for my mil almost 5 meals a day???? Here I wore Fitflops almost $90 a pair that is said to improve posture but after a while I find them rather heavy and chunky!!! Crocs is the best!!! For casual footwear beach wear even to the malls and the airport. Beware of escalators though!!! And they do wear out so fast. Melted I would say!!!

Personally, i prefer mil to relocate to KL, perhaps near sil. It's more convenient to visit via air than to endure the long 3 hour bus ride that include causeway jams!!! Plus I get to visit Pavillion and KLCC malls that boast of brands I love and good dining!!! What's a trip without shopping and good hotel stay??? Let's hope we can shop this Dec/ Jan 11 holidays again!!!

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Rachel's First Dental Checkup.

Rachel's first dental checkup was long overdue. I had wanted to bring her to the dentist around 3 but I sort of forgot about this since we were trying to save money for rental which had doubled since then and many others.

I started to brush her teeth even when the first one appeared using the First Baby toothpaste and tooth brush gadget.(retails around $11 then). As a toddler she was quite co-operative when it comes to cleaning the teeth. However, from 4 she starts to resent the brushing when I tried to floss, some blood did appear and I gave up flossing. Her favourite toothpaste is the Komodo Strawberry flavoured and occasionally we use the electric toothbrush to remove the plaque. It works!

I've called several dental clinics but many refused to attend to a 4 year old. Perhaps they could forsee the screaming and coaxing and how the dentist can make more $ if they attend to older children and adults. Lunch time whitening at $1200 payable by credit card instalment. Why not??

My sister in law highly recommended SmileFocus at Camden since they have pediatric dentist and the environment was highly conducive for young kids. There is this room with Wifi and Nintendo and other baby toys and even a small LCD showing Barney on the dentist's high tech and comfy chair. While the place was wonderful the rates are not so kind to the pocket of a middle income family. Camden afterall is in Orchard and serves mainly the well-off and the expats. Even the clinic was managed by several Ang Mo women.

Rachel's first check up cum x-ray was almost $250. A shocking 8 cavities were detected and I was quoted $175/ cavity and should the kid be uncooperative, the dentist said they will do a GA and get all the cavities fixed. I almost fainted at the quoted rate and the suggested "operation". My child, 5 general anesthetic for fixing cavities????? Shudders!!!

After discussing with Yan, I decided to trust God for a more affordable alternative.

Thank God, Raffles Hospital where Rachel was born in 2005 now boast of a dentist, though newly recuited, had much experience with young children overseas, even though she was not pediatrically certified. And wow, though there was no toy room and TV on the dentist chair, the young dental surgeon was able to fix 1/6 of Rachel's cavities. She was gentle and encouraging and even very polite to her assistant unlike the other dentist. Both had Filippino assistants now being the norm.

The price. $30 for consultation and a mere $60 for a cavity. I am so relieved that we are now paying good money for good service. In fact, I am so looking forward to the next appointment where a sedative will be given to make rachel drowsy, verus a GA, and hopefully all the remaining 5 cavities be fixed. The other 2 were too tiny for immediate attention and by the time they become serious if they do, its about time she have new permanent teeth.

I am so tempted to compare the 2 dentist, both women, for comparison sake.
SF dentist: You shouldn't use children's toothpaste, low floride levels and fruit flavours actually do nothing to protect teeth. Use pea size of adult toothpaste for sensitive teeth instead. (Which i did and rachel cried and yelled twice)

RH dentist: It's ok. most important is regular brushing. Adult toothpaste is too strong and minty for kids.

SF dentist: I need you, mummy to ban or control all the sweets intake. No sugared drinks, Ribena, fizzy drinks, cultured milk all contain too much sugar. Just give her milk and water bet meals. Sweets are only for parties or sundays.

RH dentist: The important thing is to reduce time sugar is in contact with teeth. Everything you eat has suger. Best have snacks after meals and brush/rinse afterwards.

Finally, I expressed my frustration that the pediatrician was the first to introduce sweets to my child. The RH dentist was equally pissed. "Can't they give a carrot or a celery!!!" "They always give sweets and even the church gives so much sweets on Sunday too!" She even said she will write to the press on day on this!!! How thoughtful and pro-active. Pray she will because what I wrote was not published I think.

Yes!!!! Most pediatric clinics have huge bottles of sweets and when Aerin, Rachel's cousin saw a doctor recently, she was given a whole bottle of gummies!!! Coincidentally, the pediatrician that gave my angel her first sweet happened to be the same one who referred her friend the pediatric dentist to my sister in law and then to me. It seemed like giving sweets to toddlers also means providing jobs to pediatric dentistry profession. How contradictory!!!

Another contradiction. If children are encouraged to have their first dental checkup by 1-2 why is it that most dental clinics refuse to attend to kids below 6, leaving the parents with little or no choice but to spend hard earned money at expensive specialist clinics with pediatric certified dentists??????? Are all these specialists necessary?????

Friday, 16 April 2010

On duty and responsibilities

Can't sleep last night. Was rather upset. It's a fact that a hands-on dad had become rather hands-off, totally unhelpful and lacking initiative when the kid spilled drinks, ribena for that matter. It's the second time now, it used to be that he was the first to dash for the rags etc. Now, I am expected to clean the messy child past midnight and the floors, at the same time?????

Anyway, Rachel is the glue that holds the marriage together and I know that she would choose me over the dad anytime. Actually most kids would prefer the mum. I remembered my parents having a big fight over in laws and my mother was crying much, trying to pack her stuff. I actually helped her fold the clothes, because as a young kid I was READY to stick with her no matter what even though she was the one that would scold, slap,hit, caned, ridicule me, etc.

I learnt DUTY and RESPONSIBILITY at a tender age. Rain or shine even when I was unwell, which hardly happened, it was my DUTY to fetch my younger sister home from Primary one several streets away. I was just 3 years older. I had to watch the clock every Mon-Fri and when it was time to fetch her, grab some money, an umbrella if neccessary, then wait outside her Boon Keng Primary School gate as a whole school of familiar looking kids dashed out to their mums or grandmas, now a days its the maids. Then I had to carry her heavy bag- much heavier than recommended for her tiny frame though I remembered she had a tummy. Now I am the one that sports a tummy especially so after child birth that destroyed not just figure but model-confidence as well. I would reward myself with some ice-packs. Afterall, it was a hazardous task, crossing the heavy traffic T junction each time.

It was also my duty to 'baby-sit" my siblings and I sometimes whack them, since its my mother's well demonstrated method to "control" them. I was like very authoritative kid, the leader of the pack. Yet nothing traumatised me more when accidents happened like my sister running and falling headon to a 17kg oil tin. There was blood everywhere from the gash above the eyebrow and even blood in the eyes. I was more scared that my parents would kill me, punish me, hate me forever if she died, or became seriously injured.

Apart from taking care of the siblings, totalling 3, I had to help with household chores, a bit of cooking, more the ingredients part. I remembered slicing part of my third finger with some potatoes and the skin was hanging, bleeding. I was scolded instead for not being careful. Ya..I was a day-dreamy type. In addition, there were countless incidents with knives and I definitely HATE being splattered with hot cooking oil. After primary school hours, I also did door to door sales with mum to help aunt sell her leftover stock of clothes. She wanted to be a fashion designer??? I also helped to cut thick layers of textile with some handy machinery, and others that sew the seams together. Making T-shirts was easy-peasy. Later when Aunt opened a provision shop in Jurong West, with my grandpa's inheritance meant for our education, I was roped in to weigh biscuits, man the cashier, pack groceries etc sometimes in school uniform. The shop eventually closed due to lack of liquidity and poor planning.

Many times, after school or during the school holidays, I had to help out as the stall assistant for my dad's fishball noodle stall. Once I accidentally spilled a little hot soup on a man and he grabbed my wrist ready to whack me despite all the apologies. Dad had to step in offer free food and barred me from helping him at his stall for my safety sake. I was about 10 or 11. It's the boys turn to serve their duties.

Then there was sick and naggy grandparents to help care for, from the fetching of things like water, newspapers, to dispensing medication etc.

Growing up, I wished my family was richer and I could have time for myself. To shop to learn music and its no wonder the number one place I want to visit after school was the malls. Shopping was my escape from a demanding childhood yet it also serves as my motivation to excel in school.

Personally, I want to spare Rachel the heartaches of being the eldest kid. Once you have a baby brother or sister, you have no choice but to grow up so fast and miss out on being a happy kid. It's no wonder I often wished I was an only child, the sole recipient of daddy and mummy's love and attention.

So, enough said, I am convinced that my maternal duty to Rachel is so strong that alone can be the reason to live for if I have nothing to live for.

If I were to die now, I actually have no regrets. I've lived my life well and I think Rachel had a very good mental image of the mother and many wonderful memories of being together, learning music, art and whatever and also shopping and coffee breaks. Similarly, Yan should think of me as a faithful supportive wife and good mum.

Having said that, it would be better to continue learning the violin until I could play most concertos that I loved and leave behind some sort of music legacy or heritage for Rachel. It will be great to be able to contribute in some ways to this small nation, in the area of classical music. Perhaps I could be a patron of the arts if God would prosper and bless me in this way.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Update and Upgrade

Haven't got the time to update this as often as I would like to.

The past few weeks was rather busy. When I brought Rachel to the Suntec Convention Halls for the Kidz Academy exposition, we signed up for trial ballet lessons 2 lessons for $25 and at the same time brought home a ukelele. The ukelele remains more of a toy than a musical instrument, since she loved to sing along with Barbie and the Diamond castle and some almost 10 Barbie dvds, its great fun to watch her strum and chantez!!

The first trial lesson at JM Dance was not exactly fun. Rachel was scolded much and criticised from "weak knees" to "poor balance.". I thought the young teacher was not as patient with little girls and thought that my kid will probably HATE ballet after that lesson. Quelle Bonne surprise!!! She WANTED lessons every week!!! My kid can take strictness and demand.

At $240 per term for 11 lessons, throw in registration $25 and uniform $98, its $363 for term one and $240 for subsequent terms. Surely there are cheaper alternatives. So I went to enquire the francise Crestar. Personally I am not so keen about tuition and enrichment francise chains, something tells me that art and business do not gell well etc.

I deeply admired teachers who impart not just the skills but also their passion for the art and many do so without charging huge fees. I read that Joshua bell was often given free lessons by the great Joseph Gingold. Then there was the ultimate teacher, life-changer Leopold Auer who had all these famous students as Heifetz and Elman on scholarships. My violin hero Yehudi Menuhin set up a school that would admit any talented kid regardless of nationality and income. In essence no gifted child would be denied a place to study at this prestigious school, now complete with a swimming pool, if his parents can't pay the fees. Many conservatories and also Julliard now offers scholarships to the priviledge few.

Well, for Crestar, the fees are cheaper $173.30 but with a $100 deposit and registration $21.40 and the fact that the parents need to purchase from a separate shop the leotard, shoes, tutu, stockings at approximately $75-100. I visited the shop in Roxy Square nearby but felt that if my kid were to continue ballet lessons as a form of social exercise and discipline, perhaps the Suntec location is more ideal in terms of teacher/student ratio, location where the mum can shop for 45 mins..HEE and mainly no deposit rule. Often times, I find it a HASSLE to request for MY deposit upon termination etc etc.

Still we are half-hearted. It's two trial lessons already and Rachel seemed keen. We just upgraded her violin from 1/16 to 1/10 at $300 plus complete with new bow, rosin, European strings, for better sound quality and a cute case. To pay another $370 seemed sacrilegious!!!!
So, after consulting the kid, we decided to resume the ballet lessons at Suntec next Jan if she is still keen and in the mean time to practise those stretching pilates exercises she had been taught.

At the end of the day, I thank God for a GREAT kid. Each day when I supervised her on the violin and piano (sometimes dad takes over) she showed great interest, understanding and desire to learn. She came up with a motto "PRACTISE AND LEARN" We often let her know that music is an art and as with all art, one gets better each time we practise and appreciate it. She loves all things music related. She has seen many video footages of young violinists maturing from being a cute kid to who they are today and told me one day she will play a full size violin, have her own concerts, albums etc. I told her the difference its they really love playing the violin and enjoy making it sing. If you do, we know GOD will help you and bless you too.

Lastly, like us she enjoys all the reality TV programmes like Amazing race, American's Next Top Model, and Survivor etc. Imagine at 1am our entire family was watching the Amazing race!!! Cheers to home-schooling!!!

Monday, 15 March 2010

On Discipline

I found myself staring at a Barbie doll yesterday at Metro, City Square Mall. He is a Twilight, Robbie Pattison version and looks far better than the good old Ken. Certainly, they both came too late for me!!!

I remembered having a certain Barbie doll with her signature long neck which gracefully supported her 360 deg head of blonde hair and those covetous long limbs, endless legs!!! I played with it for a while then before long, her clothes and shoes were misplaced and she was lying naked everywhere in the small HDB flat.

One day, I decided to give her a hair cut!!! Instead of being intrigued my mother became rather enraged and slapped me instead with a earful of "waste money" nagging. I became angry and resented the way she would often hit me, slapped me or scold me "good for nothing, useless, etc" In my anger and resentment, I twisted off Barbie's head and dumped her for good.

Being the eldest, I was the most "abused" kid. It's traditional for Teochews to discipline their children from top down even when it was not their mistake per se. I was scolded for not "teaching" my younger siblings the right things. My mother was a strict disciplinarian and I was caned often and slapped often that after a while the pain threshold increased in tandem with the resentment and rebellion brewed deep within. Yes, i often questioned if she loved me at all??? since my younger siblings were often spared the rod. Although she seemed fair in her way of getting things for all her 4 children, eg buying exactly the same toy duck train for us, my brother Ron was clearly her favourite, followed by the other twin Leslie, my sister then me.

I did not have a good mental image of my mother since I was a kid. It seemed that she had me to be a HELPER and I existed to help care for the household and the siblings who are just a year or two younger than me. Growing up I FEARED my mother much and as a rather sensitive kid, I felt bouts of pain and sadness each time I was scolded or beatened up.

It did strengthened my character but it also made me very defiant of authority- church leadership included and if I had not known the love of Christ and the loving church community at Geylang I would likely stray and become a street kid, though having said that, I am also largely responsible and having high standards and expectations for myself, I would not waste my life away, smoking, hanging out at arcades or being with boys etc. My natural instinct was to prove my mother wrong that indeed I was the "best" kid and therefore "worthy" of her attention and love.

As years past, I learnt about the fact that my mother was an orphan given away at birth. I began to empathise with her instead. Actually I forgive easily because I prefer not to hang on to negative feelings. One outlet was music. Trying to make music or just singing Karaoke can make me feel happy and blest. At least my birth parents wanted me though sometimes my mother would screamed at me and said I was a mistake. That she suffered the most physical pain 20 hours labour having me (20 happened to be my favourite number since I was born 20th Jan). She very much wanted a boy but was disappointed. God in his grace blessed her with a pair of twin boys- premature but healthy who become her pride and joy and later another accidental blessing my sister who is prettier than me, she often remarked. Thankfully I am blest with a beautiful baby via a 20 min emergency c-section birth.

Except for wishing I had Barbie good looks and figure and wishing my family was richer so I could learn music as a youth, i do not suffer from low esteem since what I lacked in height, the essential double eyelids, God made it up for me in terms of IQ and EQ. I am not stupid being amongst the top girl in school and having won a Gold medal for academic excellence though there were times when I wilfully did not want to study so as to test if my parents will love and accept me as much if I was just average Joe in grades. Their love came in the form of more tuition and assessment books!!!! And EQ is more due to my melancholic character that i could put myself in another's shoes and empathise with others or their situations.

So...psychologically, deep within me, since I was an older child, I wanted to be a mother to my own children. I know I will definitely marry and have kids one day. I even said it aloud in my Accountancy class at university when the professors asked what we like to do when we graduate. I made the whole class laughed when I said "I want to marry and be mother, a home-maker!!!" Usual answers expected were "accountant", "businessmen", "banker", "auditor", "lecturer" and someone said "finance minister".

Fast forward to present day, I am very physically involved in Rachel's life since birth. She learns from a young age that I am her main care giver and I loved her in words, in actions with toys and plenty of time together- learning. Likewise, she reciprocates her love with touch, with words and now actions and wanting to spend time with me and daddy playing and exploring and learning. Another plus factor, learning music together!!!

Discipline is not a negative word. Although I was physically disciplined much as a kid, I was very much treated with love and respect in my "other church family". I saw first hand how the "modern mothers" raised their kids with more patience, loving kindness, forgiveness and love though some did not spare the rod when the kid misbehaved. I forgave and understood my mother better and tried to love her in ways she understood or preferred : an allowance, some shopping, being at home to help out with the chores and cooking. And eventually marry off so I do not become a burden to my parents.

Personally, I am very patient compared to my stressed out mother, who had 4 kids within 4 years and had to helped my dad from preparing the ingredients to washing up the food stall past midnight sans helper. The only time I would smack Rachel on her bum was when she wailed non stop at the top of her high pitched voice that set my left year ringing and it felt like "wind distortions". After being hit she would cry at a lower volume for fear of being hit again and it worked and I prevented ear damage!!!!

Now that she is 5, we reasoned with her, made decisions together and had become rather independent toileting included. I like it that she would get her own snack from the fridge and asked me to teach her according to the time table schedule. I believe Rachel unlike me has a very loving image of her mother who cares much about her and loves her very much.

Enough said, I am so looking forward to 18 March Thursday when Rachel will attend a summer party that teaches her about child modelling and I can't wait for the Runway show at the end of it. It will be her first!!!

And cheers to a day off- shopping and all!!!!

Monday, 8 March 2010

A typical day

I woke Rachel up at 10 am this morning. Since she started to drink about 120ml of the 225ml of chocolate Pedisure each night, she started sleeping even longer about 10 hours or more. Well she agreed to drink milk powder so as to upgrade her violin. En ce moment, she is using her 2 year old size 1/16 chinese violin meant for 3-4 year olds.

After simple breakfast of HL chocolate milk and biscuits, with her favourite OKTO channel she was ready for learning. Today she wanted to stay home the entire day since yesterday she spend much time outdoors, especially walking along the beach and at Polliwogs where she attended my ex-uni classmate cum colleague Nikki's kids, Ian 5 and Jan 3's birthday party.

Rachel told me she enjoyed the party. Her favourite time was the pinata whacking and the Polliwogs huge inflatable playground. But as a mummy, I felt the place was overcrowded with parents, and about 100 plus kids including those from 2 private parties and it was so NOISY and NERVE-WRECKING. At $18 per entry its a tat expensive given the noise and overcrowding. I will not visit again unless I have another party to attend. $18 can be put to better use like getting a good meal or treating a good friend to coffee or adding another Barbie dvd to Rachel's collection.

At 11am, we did art. We made a poster Ma Ferme with many animal drawings cut-outs and wrote both the french and chinese words for each farm animal. Included was a lift the flap monkey face that revealed a friendly boy saying "Welcome to my farm" in the speech balloon. It's simple fun and Rachel had learnt to look up the words in both chinese and french and spell simple french words like : canard (duck), mouton (sheep), poule (hen) while she recognises grenouille, tortue, oiseau, cheval, couchon, etc

Next we watercoloured 6 Tigger and Pooh pictures, "laminate" it with cellophane tape and cut them out as puzzles. We decorated an empty plastic art case with Pooh and Friends cut outs to contain the newly made puzzles.

After a simple seafood noodle lunch, we went on to our favourite computer/music room where she joule le piano for a short while and decided to listen to itunes and read along a French book. It's from Bermitz kids "Adventures with Nicholas- A vist to Grandma" (Les aventures aves Nicholas- Une visite chez grand-mere)

We have 3 such French cd books and she particulary enjoyed the song section and the French/English dictionery section the most!!!!

I am ending this blog to now supervise her on the violin and the piano. Usually, we will practise the piano first, revising her Poco Piano 1 or The Leila Fletcher Piano Course 1 while I focus on her rhythm and theory at the same time. Daddy the pianist will oversea the technique, though we have yet to start her on any Mozart sonata. (perhaps twinkle twinkle little star is counted as one variation). It's scary that some kids as young as 5 are already playing

There is a huge difference between a child prodigy and a child talent. A child prodigy would be someone like Evgeny Kissing where he learnt to play the piano at 1 and by the time they are 5 they played with orchestrals all over the world. The same goes for Sarah Chang who auditioned and was accepted by the Julliard School at 5 playing the Bruch Concerto!!!! A young talent will be one who had the support of parents to start their musical education early. Hopely with passion and practice, many young talents go on to become great musicians eg Koji Toyoda and Toshiya Eto (also Akiko Suwanai's teacher) Read Nurtured by Love by Shinichi Suzuki.

To us, the most important is that rachel loves music and enjoys making music be it piano or violin. If her passion is in it, I have no doubts she will excel. However, music education is liken to learning a language. How early do one start to learn, read and write English, chinese or french???? Since music is a language, it need to be cultivated since young, at home, the environment, the parents, etc all play a major part. Music is a gift from God and the great giver will see to it that the recipient is greatly blest. Amen

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Post CNY

I'm quite relieved the chinese (lunar) new year season had finally ended. It had, afterall, been quite a dramatic period.

Our family went northwards to Kluang, Yan's birth place and resided with his mum and sister for 3 days. It was an eventful short stay. First of all, there was the immense traffic jam lasting more than an hour where we were stuck in the coach halfway between Singapore and Malaysia. (thankfully the return journey was a breeze saved for Rachel's non thumb print biometric passport which means we need to go through the manual immigration Q)

During the first night, around dinner time, Aerin, 3 fell off my mother in law's chair and suffered a nosebleed almost immediately afterwards. The poor kid had been coughing much for more than a month??? and since it was rather difficult to administer medication she was having close to "untreated" chesty cough and running nose with green mucus....super YUCK!!! Of course, i was unable to stop Rachel from playing with her younger cousin. The two of them hit off very well and can become rather uruly when at play.

Near midnight, on the same day which was also Valentine's Day, we decided to take Aerin to the A&E since she was crying much suddenly after she had gone to sleep just to be assured that her brain was not at all harmed by the nasty fall. Personally, I felt rather peaceful and believed that she was alright and that the nosebled (mixed with thick mucus) was properly unrelated to any bleeding in the brain.

My normally very loud and foul mouthed sis in law was grief stricken and all panicky.She managed to drive us through the wrong hospital (crowded public one) and through the mortuary section where my hair stood at its end before we finally reached the private hospital in the town. A CT scan was made on Aerin upon request and thankfully, the images showed no sign of trauma or bleeding. It was an affordable RM350!!! Which one can buy a pair of DKNY shoes or a Coach card holder!!!!

Thankfully, because of the emergency consultation Aerin was also given antibiotics to treat the infection in her respiratory tract and with Yan and my assistance, we were able to "force" administer 2/3 of the recommended dosage over our period of stay. It was tough adminstering medication to Aerin since she would struggle very violently and use her tongue to push out or vomit out all medication carefully syringed or hidden in food or drinks. She was definitely quite a challenge compared to Rachel!!! Rachel would super wail then cover her mouth when she sees the cough syrup or paracetamol in the 5ml syringe but still with the "pinch the nose method "much of the needed dosage gets into her stomach. She had since progressed to syringing, measuring her own meds and syringing herself.

To me, Kluang is not liveable!!!! The town went through water rationing during CNY where most households would up her utilites and water usage!!! It was also double whammy that I was having heavy period and not able to shower often. In fact, each household had to survive on the domestic water tank and I had merely wiped my body for 2 days using a small portion of water each time!!!! And the weather was so searing HOT!!! Definitely hotter than in Singapore where we have more trees and bushes and as an island we are surrounded by the sea.

Thankfully, there were good times as well. I enjoyed the Kluang Mall which made a huge difference to our stay. The almost "non" sound-proofed Karaoke rooms where one could hear and cheer or jeer the neighbouring units singing or croaking. Then, there was the God of Fortune Mascot that gave red packets only to Malays kids and adults and totally shunned both Rachel and Aerin!!!!

To combat boredom we brought along our violins and surprise!!! It was a breeze going through the check points with me carrying both rachel's 1/16 violin in the 1/4 case and my Maggini copy, 2 bows and a portable music stand and countless music scores, mainly Suzuki vol 1 -3. Its good to see Aerin all excited and busy around Rachel as she tried to practise her Lightly Row and Go Tell Aunt Rhody, besides her usual Twinkle,twinkle little star.

Rachel returned to Singapore with a nasty flu strain that emptied her ang pow collection which was not much since she is the only child. Each CNY we "lose" several hundred dollars...Hahaha. After Rachel finally recovered, I was down with possibly the same flu strain and took Lord's Supper regularly instead of going to our regular clinic in Raffles Hospital. Till now, I've recovered saved for blocked sinuses, headaches (due to the hot weather) and a slight cough. The higher registers of my singing voice have yet to return and for now, I am staying home to manage the household chores and practise music more till the weather improves. (becomes much cooler!!!)

Monday, 8 February 2010


This is probably the first time I am reflecting on Chinese New Year season. Well, even as a kid, I don't like it that much. I've told my late mum at least ten times I HATE the noisy cymbals and gongs and the heart pounding lion dance music.

Red is the colour that makes me angry and irritated and its actually one of my least favourite colours. I actually prefer grey to red but of course with Rachel, things change. I adore all shades of pink, such a DIVA colour and all so important for fashionistas but still too much red will make me see RED.

Before CNY there was the hectic Spring cleaning that mum enrolled me in without my consent of course. I would grumbled much deep within as I helped her clean the otherwise hardly cleaned house, since she was busy helping dad with his food stall business and we were busying passing exams. It's shocking so much dirt and dust could accumulate in a year, actually within a week as well. Personally, once I had my own place, I pretty much cleaned it twice a week, and being rather neat and organised, I do not bother to spring clean though I do clean out the entire 1636 sq feet apartment once a month, including junking near expiry cosmetics, vitamins etc

Talking about living area. I've been accompanying my own sister for her property hunt for almost 2-3 months. Not only are the apartments getting smaller, some 337 Sq ft or less at 257 sq ft, these nicknamed "Mickey Mouse Apartments" are also costing so much more. I recently visited some showflats in the outskirts of the city that had penthouses (duplex) at 600 sq ft which is almost liken to a 3 room HDB flat divided into two storeys yet one must factor in the high maintenance fees!!!!!. Then those near the city central were almost a Million bucks for 450Sq ft. What is happening???? With the enbloc frenzies last 2 years, the cash hungry developers are building more levels, more units, smaller units to make more money. What I am now living in (rental) is considered a luxury of space compared to many new developments that are getting more congested.

1636 sq ft is not too small. Rachel sleeps with us in a master bedroom that merges with her bedroom and we have a music/computer room plus a toy room (usually for the maid, but we are doing fine without one). Two adults one child, just nice comfortable living space until I learnt that some of my neighbours are squeezing their grandparents, parents, three kids plus maid in the same floor size apartment. 8 of them!!!!! Suddenly, I am reminded of my childhood living conditions. We had a sick and bedridden grandpa, parents and all 4 of us siblings living in a 3 room HDB flat (51 sq m or 549sq ft) in Geylang. There is only one separate toilet and one shower. It was so crammed with people and things and angers flared easily because of the over-crowding. As a result I breathe better whenever there is lots and lots of space.

I always knew I will live in a spacious apartment with super high ceiling, skylight and all. Its like a ballroom type of living area where one could entertain guests and make music with friends. I see a nice grand piano on the lush carpet and beautiful curtains with complete air-conditioning. Yes, I prefer POSH and PRIVATE over public anytime. And after almost 3 decades, I still do not feel comfortable visiting public libraries, community centres, food centres etc.

Anyway, I believe God has already provided a better place for us all, based on our needs. What is 2000 sq ft to him who owns the cattles over a thousand hills ???????? the entire world and its universe???? of course, it's great to have a comfortable HOME for living, functional for our needs and usage (swimming pool and gym a must), near amenities like banks and supermarkets, so we do not waste time and money moving every 2 years. God is good. He always provides his best and I am not going to worry about the lease ending soon this time round.

Friday, 29 January 2010

Taking a break.

Really...I am taking a short break from figuring out the Kanon Und Gigue (or Canon by Johann Pachebel 1653-1706). It's my teacher's way of "throwing" the score at me to figure out and play then she will correct the playing usually the rhythm Bowing technique and the evenness of my fingerings / tone and er...sometimes my notes!!!!! Horror of horrors!!!!

This approach forces me to learn to sight read and I actually like it a lot, though it can be rather frustrating at times. To counter that, one needs to play phrase by phrase slowly first, sometimes even forgetting the slurs and staccatos then slowly put back the embellishments. I also find it useful to practise the difficult portions first. Then with time, some patience and God's blessings...BRAVO.

Rachel is now packing her toys before I will let her use this computer to do her Jumpstart Numerals For 5-8 years old. This morning, shortly after I had woken, I had a call from my late mum's foster aunt/mum and it turned out to be a 45 minute conversation concerning my late mum, her idiosyncrasies, the circumstances of her illness, the dying episodes and post mortem etc etc. Actually it's kind of depressing to go all over such details again....especially my mother, who battled colon cancer and had chemotherapy for 4.5 years post surgery to remove the diseased parts, well she had died almost 2 years ago.

Still the 85 year old relative who cared for my mum, an orphan, and supported her through secondary school was still coming to terms with my mum's early death and reminisced much the good old times they had. Unlike my "pantang" or superstitious mother, Grand old Aunty had her will drawn up, funeral wishes like ashes to be scattered at the sea, funeral photos and clothes all ready when she was 80. By God's grace she is still in the pink of health.

Naturally as with all elderlies she feared the exit part. To which I encouraged her, almost 50 years my senior that as believers in christ we can request the good Lord for a good, peaceful, comfortable death when the time comes. After all, in my christian life, i have read and heard of cases where many elderly passed on sans the pain and the fear, some were even escorted by heavenly beings which I had the chance to glimpse once. (we'll talk about that next time).

Its now Rachel's turn to use the computer,yes she's done with packing her toys and now I should return to "entertain" the renovation workers upstairs, thank God mainly carpentry work, with my working version of Kanon Und Gigue.