Wednesday, 27 January 2010


I had wanted to enhance my blog, to update the photos since Rachel is now 5 but really other than no time I am also not that IT savvy. Ha

I remembered my first computer lesson in Dunman High and we had those floppy disks and soon had to save our assignments on Wordstar then Word Perfect 5.1 instead of hammering away at the two Brothers typewriter, the second one being more advanced you could actually delete before you type etc . ya go ahead LAUGH. BOY!!!! I am that ancient.

In time to come, I managed to persuade my parents for a computer. It was Datamini along with a noisy Epson dot-matrix printer. I kinda like the sound of the printing at times. By then, no more floppies but the square diskettes. Before I know it, I had to submit university assignments on those disks along with a bound Hardcopy research called THE FINAL YEAR PROJECT (FYP)-HR practices of Giordano??????. Frankly at that age 22??? I was more keen to find my life partner!!!! I was all for ROMANCE.

These days kids as young as pre-schoolers incorporate the computer in their everyday life. At 3, rachel started to help me start and shut down the computer, she's good at loading cds, dvds. Now she knows how to click "Internet Explorer" and then access the youtube or to watch cartoons and movies. My sister, 3 years younger belongs to the next generation where they submit university assignments online.

I still remembered in NTU, where during IT lessons, we were discussing "how one day computers will connect and control everything". Before that we need to login into As400 and program another computer's remote address to get the two or more computers to "Talk" to each other like MSN Messenger minus the emotion icons, sounds etc. The IT world had come a long way with indispensable Mircosoft systems and products and increasingly favoured APPLE applications.

I hate IT subjects!!! It's a miracle I passed the IT management and IT systems and design. They were so boring and without my gang of great male friends, I would definitely fail to graduate. Kudos to them for lending me their notes and explaining over coffee in layman's terms the many stuff that I don't quite understand. I was so much better in the law and literature subjects as usual. I love papers that required me to write on relentlessly and ask for more papers (I did, all the time) during the exams but tend to fair averagely for all the calculator required subjects and kills!!!!

Yesterday I chanced upon this:

It's a fellow schoolmate Paparazzi shot of James Franco, my current favourite American actor, director, screenwriter, film producer, artist, and poet...etc sleeping in grad school Columbia University where he studying Masters in poetry amidst his hectic work schedule.

Isn't he cute...still oozing sex appeal when he did the shut eye half way in lecture. Boy...I slept in school all the time. I am often sitting under the ceiling fan (what air-con) and during afternoon lessons mostly chinese I would become a nodding donkey in no time.

It's no fun being a student. I remembered staying late till 3-4 am completing my assignments and then waking early to take the train from Aljunied MRT to Boon Lay and then bus 199???? to NTU for the 8am lesson. The journey was such a torture. I complained much until a brother in Christ, a medical student in the 80s, said he woke at 5am to take the bus from Bedok to NUS pre-MRT days.

Of course, nowadays, we have a much improved MRT network, the NEL line and the upcoming Circle line and best of all, most parents drive us to school, some are chauffeured in Lambourginis even. My mother would grumble much yet drive me all these years from primary school to university especially when i overslept.

I love the passenger seat so much that I never drive after getting my licence in my early 20s. God had blest me with so many faithful "chauffeurs"- mother, Angie, Melina, Wendy, my brothers, Deric, and many other kind hearted males in NTU plus taxi driver uncles, real estate and insurance agents, banker friends etc etc. So environmentally friendly, low carbon emission indeed!!!!

Sleeping in lecture. My most weird experience was having coffee in lecture hall one minute and the next waking up with all the people around me changed!!!!! I had slept through the 2 hour statistics lecture and the next lecture was in progress...some engineering stuff I think.Boy was I totally confused.

So c'mon, give poor Jimmy a break!!!! He's been working so hard post spiderman, Milk, Pineapple express, Howl and so on and I must say I really admire him for his artistic soul-painting, poetry, acting, directing, everything!!!!! He deserves to sleep well and look goodall the time. BTW, this incident happened last year and there are some who are still "condemning" the nap in class, anyway, he's human just like you and me and I know he will surely clinch his masters.

PS: If he is in my class, I will help him take notes ...I will let him have his much needed beauty sleeeep on my lap/ shoulder and kiss him awake when the lesson ends- all for a coffee date!!!!!

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