Thursday, 21 January 2010

Boring Birthday Blog

I've always been hyper excited about my birthdays. I love parties and being the centre of attention and attraction for that particular day and enjoy the company of so many friends along with good food and thoughtful gifts. Well.....not any more. After being married or more so after being a mother, I am more excited about pleasing my child and planning kid's parties. Early this year we had a Winx Club birthday party for Rachel complete with a set of pink fairy wings!!!!!!

I do have a few great birthday memories. I remembered the 21st birthday party at my first church and inviting so many of my university classmates. It was so evangelistic!!!!! I had a total of 54 gifts both great and small and most of them were soft toys which I've passed on to the Salvation Army over the next few years.

The best birthday I ever had was when Yan a close male buddy became God's birthday gift for me when I was 30. It was the best surprise that did not took me by surprise (read shock) and indeed the most romantic gift ever. HAHAHA.

Then at 32, I had my first birthday as a mother, holding Rachel who was 17 days old, also a January baby. I felt incredibly blest.

It was my 35th birthday when yan surprised me with a 80G ipod, (now outdated...hahaha), I love music and i really prefer my own type of music to relax and sleep with -mainly violin adagios, concertos and sonatas.

Yesterday, I turned 37. Yan had to work and I found myself beautifully decked out in matching patent fuchsia new Adidas bag and DKNY wedge sandals with a pink Guess top and nice make-up waiting rather impatiently for my darling rachel to leave the Paragon playground so I may do some shopping. Well, shopping I never had the chance to, since she was so active at the play area I was worried about her accidentally knocking some toddler down or getting into a fight with the rowdy boys etc. All unfounded fears of course!!!! She's pretty well behaved -most of the time, outside but at home, she can be very bossy and difficult to please.

Thankfully Yan was able to take over the parenting in the evening so I could finally relax and enjoy a meal with my most faithful friend Melina. Over the past decade, God had cemented our friendship and given us plenty of opportunites to update each other often, the workings of our loving Father in heaven in our otherwise mundane lives. Needless to say, we've been encouraged and inspired in our own ways.

The night ended with a scenic bus ride home and I enjoyed the bright lights, the huge advertisements, the all too important brands spicing up my beloved Orchard Road where since I was a teenage, I had spent most of my weekends SHOPPING. I want to live in Orchard Road Lord, i prayed. Unlike my sister who prefer the suburbs, I pretty much enjoy the city's shopping district at a stone's throw away. Most of the residential areas are private and exclusive anyway.

As i lay to sleep at night, i thank God, I often do, for the ordinary birthday. Yes, for blessing me with a great and beautiful kid, a loving and supportive husband and best friend and a dear friend Melina who had known me for a decade, seen me falling in and out of "love", date my best male buddy, married and have Rachel, pick up the violin and so on.

God is the constant companion in my life and I believe in time to come, I will celebrate my birthday in the comfort of a home complete with a lap pool and a garden. We will play the piano and violins and be a patron of the arts. Nothing is impossible with God I know, I always feel that my life is classical music related and I say YES and OUI to the steinway grand and the many antique violins that I will loan out to cutting edge classical performers: Genuine makes and copies of italian violin masters included.

God is GREAT and greatly to be praised. AMEN.

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