Thursday, 11 June 2009

No lack in his kingdom

We are living in difficult times, aren't we? Look around us, the world, the financial instability, job losses and now the H1N1 Influenza A strain that was fast approaching pandemic levels according to WHO. Thankfully, though more than 27000 are affected by the virus in some 73 countries including Singapore, only 140 had died. The fatality rate is considered very low compared with previous counteparts like the Spanish flu.

So, here comes the "terrible" part. As an extrovert, I am to stay home even more to help reduce unnecessary spending and also to minimise getting sick, because of the trouble of it all. Over the past month or so, I believe I had adapted quite well, though Rachel enjoyed being at home more anyway, away from the hot sun that easily upsets her.

During the heat of the day, with indoor temperatures reaching almost 32 deg, Rachel and myself are often confined to the air-conditioned study. In this room, we did much studies, music practices, playing toys, watching you-tube videos and its here she have her afternoon naps while I surf or blog for leisure. Or read and plan.

Some fashionistas boasts of wardrobes full of yet to be worn clothes, accessories, bags and shoes. My family actually own a huge library of books, music material, cds and dvds and some of them are still in wraps!!!!! During this home stay season, we had saved much on cab and public transport, along with dining out and enjoyed much watching dvds (in various languages esp French and Mandarin) in air con comfort.

I had also resorted to cooking less expensive food. It used to be a 3 course dinner, soup, red meat, vegetables and dessert but now, its mainly one pot, full of nutrients and some white meat. I need meat and some dairy in my diet. Fruits too a must. Gone are the strawberries,blueberries cherries, grapes. We are now into cheaper alternatives : apples, oranges and bananas for the time being.

Thank God Rachel is fully toilet trained so, with home schooling her expenses are a minimum mainly snacks, milk and chocolates, her favourite and music lessons. Personally I've hardly spend on myself these few years, wearing almost no make up and using commercial mass market skin care rather than boutique brands. I am content to be in T shirt and jeans.

With all these savings we should be able to afford some short getaways that I badly need since Rachel was born in 2005. Unfortunately, most of the money goes to paying rental, bills,some debts and mother in law maintenance, (which is rather high and I don't even get an allowance). Every few months, we managed to travel via the noisy KTM, Malaysia Rail for several hours to visit her -an obligation really!!!!! It costs quite a lot too, for a family of 3.

Its indeed natural and tempting to look at what we lack. However, I am reminded today that Jesus my Lord, NEVER look at the natural. When his followers were famished and all his disciples had were 5 loaves and 2 fish, a boy's lunch, Christ, LOOKED TO HIS FATHER, OUR GOD, GAVE THANKS and the miracle of feeding 5000 men not counting women and children was recorded in the Bible. Indeed, we should be conscious of plenty instead of lack. Our God is able to supply exceedingly, abundantly, far above all we could ever asked or imagined. In his kingdom. there is and never will be scarcity, insufficiency and lack.

And the best part???? His kingdom (not physical) is inside everyone who believes in him. YES! OUI! We have abundance, plenty, more than enough, overflowing in us despite the circumstances and when we believe right, GOD will make all things right for us!!!!!! AMEN.

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