Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Smitten Again

Boy, I am smitten again. Was watching Les Miserables film, not exactly a good protrayal of the fantastic musical when the young Marius pontmercy caught my attention. I wish I was Cosette or Claire Danes. My goodness! The way Hans Matheson looks at her, his perfect blue eyes is enough to make me fall in love again...with a screen lover!!! Hahahaha.

My past screen lovers include: Tom Cruise from Top Gun when I was in secondary school uniform. He was subsequently replaced by Brad Pitt from Legends of the Fall, Meet Joe Black etc and I actually loved Leonardo Di Caprio in Romeo and Juliet and of course the heart sinking Titantic, Gangs of New York, Catch me if you can etc.

Zac Efron is cute but he's too young for me. I mean he's also rachel's favourite in the 3 High School Musical dvds that we own. In fact, my good movie loving heart had been searching for a good replacement for Leo, and don't ask me why. I mean these "subconscious" activities are not fore most important and are often left to sleepless thoughts at night.

Then because of Susan Boyle, the old fat and ugly blest with a beautiful voice contestant in Britain's Got Talent, I revised Les Miserables. I watched the anniversary concert and borrowed a film starring Liam Neeson as Jean Valjean. Frankly I've sped read this Victor Hugo novel once, its quite boring actually as with most classics with so many information that we cannot relate to. In addition, I've watched the heart moving musical at the Royal Albert Hall in London when I was in Europe in 1995 but remembering more the Inspector Javert who had long silky blonde pony tail hair and was relentless in his pursuit of the criminal Jean Valjean. This is an epic about law verus grace, kindness verus cruelity filled with love, laughter and loss. Yan even owns the programme and scores having watched it in Singapore decades ago.

Suddenly, I fell in love! with the first marius pontmercy that caught my attention!!! Hans Matheson at 1998 probably about 23, so handsome and perfect. I could almost touch him, as his character and his acting touches my heart. My only complaint is the TV is only 21 inches!!! And I could hardly watch the movie uninterrupted by rachel who is terrified of the horse and carriages sound. The few scenes with the young actor born in the same year as my beloved husband Yan 07 Aug 1975, is enough to start a Hans Matheson fever!!! I watched his you tubes and read his bios and became a fan over night.

I learnt that he came from a musician family and played both guitar and violin (for the roles in Still Crazy and Canone Inverso: Making Love respectively). He writes and sings and plays the harmonica as well. Some of the movies include songs that he wrote and so on, I felt like I unearthed a gem. Afterall, I have been attracted to beautiful men before especially when they are equally talented musically. That explains why I fell for Wilson when I asked him to play me the Ballade Pour Adeline at the Touch Music office in 1998? Unfortunately his piano playing was really rusty and he could not get pass ten bars or so??? Then of course, I am touched and fell for my best male friend Yan who plays the piano very well and excels in Chopin and Rachmaninov pieces. Yan is well formed, good looking and had a very gentle soul. He offers perfect companionship and support especially when I became pregnant and a full time mother. In Yan I found a soul mate, one who patiently waited for me as I recover from all that Wilson madness!

Any way, Hans Matheson who was listed alongside Orlando Bloom, Heath Ledger and the Jake guy also with Oliver Martinez??? as young male leads to watch out for in the early 2000s caught my heart. I went on to watched Canone Inverso: Making Love and this epic war romance music theme blow me away. I loved the movie the soundtrack, the storyline, the plot the everything. I like this story set during World War One where a strange violin and the love of music led two best friends in the conservatory to the secret that there are in fact brothers of the same father who owned the violin. And of course I loved the forbidden love between Jeno and Sophie a much older married Jewish pianist.

In fact I cannot help wondering why such a moving movie was not a blockbuster. Perhaps its an italiano production 2000 or really there was no major marketing or advertising. Hans Matheson now age 33 had such varied acting experiences in Nero, Canone Inverso, and Les miserables. I can't wait to see more of him in his other movies and tv miniseries Dr Zhivago, The mists of Avalon and Tess.

I prayed he will make it big soon. Like i prayed for Andy Lau, Leon Lai who went on the become more famous. I know he will in no time bag an award for his superb acting. In the mean time I am content to watch the you tube videos while he contends with the horses and playing music in the countryside???? Lewis??? I don't know where but somewhere without shopping malls and crazy office sky scrapers i suppose. Somewhere you can ride on a horse sans smell, let the wind blow your hair all wild and still know how to get home without a mobile phone or a cab. Hahaha

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