Thursday, 9 April 2009

Recharging -Omnitrix way tired. Been playing and attending to rachel's every need while cleaning the house and doing laundry. Yes, sometimes I wish I have an Omnitrix and can therefore turn myself into Four Arms so I can complete the many chores earlier leaving time to rest and practice the violin. Other times, I wish I could be an Upgrade, not the mechanical metamorph alien but upgrade the lifestyle so I just supervise the cleaning of the entire house. After all, aint it more important to coach my only child who is home-schooled and learning so fast and of course, devoting myself to upgrade my musical skills as well.

Ben 10 cartoon is such a god sent. Rachel is blessed with so many dvd titles and a huge library of books and activities and a toy room even but there is nothing like Ben 10 cartoons that we both love. It has the ability to capture our attention for more than 2 hours. With the subtitles she is learning sentences way above her nursery level and of course, I've started to teach her mandarin which also means that the language options in dvds become very useful a teaching tool.

Some may argue that its a mildly violent cartoon but come on, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that I grew up with and Transformers are no better. I do not believe in over shielding a children so as to prolong their innocence in a "make believe fantasy world". Even at age 4, I discuss with Rachel events like the Italy earthquake, the geylang serai food poisoning and also the tragedy at NTU campus. I want her to understand that this is not a perfect world that we live in and yes mummy gets tired sometimes, she is no Gwen (Alien Force version) and needs time and space to chill, to re-charge. Even the Omnitrix needs that.

Last night was silly. Imagine I sprinted home with Rachel so just she could catch her Alien Force episode on TV after dinner at Thai Pan. Its no joke! The amount of stress the mummy had speed eating the curry fish head while making sure the kid does not sprint out of the restaurant in its all too familiar surroundings, since we used to reside in Mandarin Gardens. One must always be vigilant about the swimming pools near by and the fact that rachel had yet to start her swimming lessons. This year the focus is on violin lessons which costs $150 a month.

(personally I almost drown not once not twice but thrice as a toddler so I am not taking any chances concerning this.)

Finally, I have found a new way to relax. Playing Monopoly Jr and Monopoly as a family and of course enjoying Ben 10 Alien Force. The relationship between Gwen and Kevin is so reflective of similar experiences. It helps too that Kevin Levin looks hunky and manly while Ben at 15 still looks like a boy. or as Gwen used to address a "dweeb"-unimportant, insignifcant person or "doofus"-stupid, incompetent, foolish person. Ha

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