Friday, 27 February 2009

Rachel's grandmas

Been wanting to blog but really i have no time. It's a luxury these days since Yan went back to office work leaving me to manage the household and rachel full time. (plus I need to help my dad clean his household once a week on average.)

Still....some bright spots. Last Monday I managed to spend time with Eve my step sis in law as she kindly helped me manage Rachel as I helped out at Amy's violin masterclass. Only 9 students performed with one driving all the way from Kota Tinggi. Rachel was so impressed with 4 year old wei song that she asked me for lessons with Amy again. Before the concert started when this tiny cute boy saw the rehearsal of the eldest guy, he kind of panicked and applied brakes. (refused to enter the ballet hall rented for this purpose). Thankfully, he recovered and gave a good performance and the dad explained that it was the stern grandma wanting initially to be in the audience that gave the boy cold feet. What an influential grandma..........

Rachel's grandma, my mum died 03 March last year. This week I kind of relived the moments that dreadful bloody fall and the week long stay in 2 hospitals. She eventually died in Gleneagles where coincidently Fandi's wife is still warded after a fall. Before my mum died, she was still "watching" TV programmes as her organs shut down one by one. Programmes like "Lydia Sum memorial". I wanted to switch off the tv for some peace not that it was loud but she insisted on it being played. We had rehearsed the day before and also did played her favourite Teresa teng songs from a lap top till she breathed her last. Now i associate her songs with my mum's passing on though I never like teresa teng, she is so OLDIE and she sound exactly the same singing the same style even for most songs be it chinese, japanese or hokkien.

Rachel's other grandma..popo...SIGH, asked for funds again!!!! This time to fix a leaky roof and the questionable termities?? Very questionable as on my last visit she said she spent all of the $7-8000 CPF inheritance from her late hubby on exterminating termites from both her and my other sis in law's place. As usual when asked about receipts, she replied, "you don't believe me." sarcastically.Any way, if the roof is indeed leaking it need be fixed asap before the rainy season. If there are termites still despite spending so much almost RM$15000, it too had to be dealt with. BUT, this time I need to see documentary evidence for a part of me fears that she had been made used of by who knows who???

Other than constant nagging issues concerning this, i would say my marriage is happy and peaceful.

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