Wednesday, 10 September 2008

A new abode

Finally! I've settled into this new place that is almost double my previous. I was initally worried about the moving and how rachel will feel "losing" her mandarin garden swimming pools and the various playgrounds.

Thankfully, after a week or so, she had settled well and has learnt to accept the 7 eleven convenience store as part of the new house deal. Several slurpees later, she now enjoys playing the computer games and JumpStart learning cd roms in the air conditioned studio as well as watching her collection of vcds, dvds in the massive living cum dining quarters.

Rachel still prefers to sleep wedge between us despite having her own bed. Since we are both not fat, the king bed can accomodate us all 3 different body types and I should say that we are well rested.

Today we walked 10 mins to Mandarin Gardens with our violins for our lessons at Block 7. Its funny, I do not feel weird at all not staying in MG anymore after a 5 year stay. Perhaps at Neptune court we are only an estate away, the beach, the Siglap eateries, Parkway Parade, the Airport are all the same. Sitting on one of the benches near block 7, yan and I was able to listen to ipod and read the gossipy New paper while rachel had her lesson with Amy first.

I'm happy with Rachel's progess! She can play the first phrase of twinkle twinkle little star and a all open string song called Beguine which is her current favourite. It goes like this "GGGGDDDDAAAAEEEEAAAADDDDGGGGGDAE." Amy told me today that when she accidentally bow two strings at once, she remarked that the E string has a A sound. So funny. Erm, I take it as a compliment that my young girl of 3 has musical sensitivity and awareness. Some kids are quite blur about such things, according to her teacher.

We love our family's cool hangout, the studio, where yan teaches the piano and where I monitor the market and rachel e-learns on the computer. This is also the place where we play our violins and ocassionally piano together with so much family fun.

Indeed even as i update this blog, I can't wait to practise what i learnt today especially so with the new Kun shoulder rest that was bought this morning at lesson time to replace the current, made in china, free accessory that is worn out.

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