Sunday, 30 December 2007

What i want in 2008

Here are my prayers and wishes for the coming new year, 2008

1) Health.
I pray that everyone in my family and my friends to be in good health and be happy. Personally, I am wanting to return to my pre-pregnant figure which was previously between a size s and m. I must make time to exercise, to run and be back to 48kg again. I miss my previous gorgeous and sexy figure. It was good enough for me to secretly wish be a lingerie model. BUT i know my parents will double flip so I never mention it to anyone.

Music makes me feel alive. I started to learn the violin in Aug 2007 and this year Rachel will embark on her musical journey. I want to play so much better in terms of tone, bowing and expressions. I also wish to attend a few really GOOD violin concerts at the esplanade. I will also add to my current collection, more violin DVDs especially those of Anne Sophie Mutter and Yehudi Menuhin.

3) Beauty.
Now this is important to me. To believe I am beautiful. The fact is I never consider myself a beauty even when i was 48kg and had nice hair. To me, the very deep seated belief is that I am not beautiful enough!! No one can be perfect but I want to be near my own levels of attainable close to perfection standards. I want to be beautiful whatever it takes, without surgery OUCH, one caesarean is enough, pills or chemical injections. It takes GOD man!!

4) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
With rising inflation and single family income, I really ask God for PROSPERITY. Now that I truly understand the value of money, I really pray God will BLESS our family so we can be in a position to GIVE and BLESS others. We need a new apartment as our lease ends Aug 2008 and I think a car and weekly home cleaning would be bonuses.

5) Travel
The furthest i travelled in 2007 is Seng kang. And since the cab fare hike, travelling within the island of Singapura became more a chore. I wasted my life the most in 2007 waiting for and then travelling on crowded buses and nursing Rachel on the journeys some more!!!!! Come 2008, I pray we will go for a short family get away, Bintan will do and NO I do not like Malaysia.

6) Rachel
This one is the most tricky. I want to stop breast feeding 2008. ENOUGH already!! Rachel is turning 3 in a couple of days and I need my breasts back so to speak. Now she owns them!!!! I also prayed hard that she will understand and be efficiently toilet trained soon. As of now, she is very apt at eating on her own and learning new things but she still prefers to do all her businesses with Huggies and Pampers and boy, in secret!!!!

I need some new friends. I would like to share my life with other muscially inclined parents of young children and those that had started or wish to home school their young children.

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