Wednesday, 2 December 2009

On the beat!!!

Been rehearsing for the coming concert this saturday. Actually its my and rachel's debut public performance!!!! Rachel will play with many kids, Jingle Bells whereas I will play in the ensemble Deck the Halls, Jingle Bells, The Christmas Song and the Puppet Song. The better kids (mostly) will play in groups of 3 other Christmassy titles.

Yesterday I had a trying time playing ON THE BEAT with my teacher's computer accompaniment. Some parts I was half a beat too fast, though never too slow. Later I realised it was my fingering, in anticipation of the bow change or the next note I had often release a certain finger too prematurely. I need to learn to weigh down each finger evenly.

Last Friday's rehearsal was a mess!!!! I was thrown off by others' wrong bowing and half way at the puppet song I couldn't hear properly as the loud high frequencies of so many violins in a small apartment with low ceiling was causing alot of distress in the left ear!!!! Mostly wind like sound that goes away once the high pitch noise ends. I thought about seeing a hearing specialist about it, since it bothered me for a few years now. It started when I bathe a screaming toddler in a small shower room in the previous apartment, Gosh, Rachel was such a high pitched squealing toddler during bath time that my left ear rings to my dismay and discomfort.

However, I've decided to leave the matter to Jesus my perfect healer and trust that once again he will heal perfectly as he had done before with the serious rotar cuff tendonitis, sustained years back- a gym mishap.

Next week is going to be busy. I will take Rachel to the National Piano and Violin Competition 2009 for most of the Junior segments and will probably attend the final concert (Artiste) category as before.

Then there is a whole lot of planning and shopping to do for the annual Year end party cum Rachel's 5th birthday.The theme is Disney Princesses. I am inviting close friends to this party this time round and some of Rachel's playmates (Yan's students). Can't wait!!!! How I wish I have a bigger place for the guests to mingle ( a pool and garden will be nice), plenty of parking space and also domestic helpers to assist in the cleaning, purchasing and decorating etc etc.

Yes indeed, the time will come. Thank God

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