Monday, 5 January 2009

A new beginning????

2009. A new year with new commitments.

As rachel's educator, i've recently added the responsibility of being her violin teacher. How audacious some may think, when I am personally taking lessons as a beginner for only 2 years. Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. It is a cost cutting measure that saves us $150 a month and I was very surprised that under me, Rachel was advancing steadily in both music theory and violin playing. Previously with violin teacher, her lessons depended much on her mood. There was progress for sure but she certainly prefer the mummy to show her and to teach her one on one.

Full time maid. Yes with yan returning to the work force as an architect. I am officially in charge of everything. Thanks to machines like washer / dryer and dishwasher, I could still manage the additional chores of cleaning the floors and ironing the 5 sets of working clothes in under an hour.

Overall, I've improved my multi-tasking abilities and find much time to teach rachel, to play with her and to play on my violin. How do I go about all these? Here's an insight.

1) I try to do the chores while she is taking a nap or is watching tv.
2) While doing art which basically is the platform to teach many other things like languages and numerals, I often brain storm about other activities or coaching ideas.
3) We exercise together, home exercises like pilates or go for a walk at the beach
4) I travel to my dad's place to help with his chores mid week and also on sunday after church services to minimise travelling time and costs.
5)I practise my violin only when Yan is home to take over "parenting and coaching" for an hour
6)I plan and document what to teach and what is being taught on a weekly basis
7)We grocery shop alternate month and have the shopping (non-perishables) delivered home.

In time to come, rachel will probably attend mandarin classes and swimming. In the mean time, I will do my best to give her the best education she ever had coupled with the joy of learning together.

Enough said, I plan to spend less time in front of the computer unless it is related to her learning be it Mandarin, French and the various Jump start titles and games. I believe 2009 will turn out GREAT as God help me fine tune everything from learning to play better violin to home-schooling and educating my only child.

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