Saturday, 11 August 2007

Delays Delays Delays

I recently found out that our princess would not be eligible to attend pre-nursery until she is at least 3.5years. That means she had to be in the waiting list of this arts kindergarten along Upper East Coast Road for almost 18months until it is her turn. GOSH!!!! I cant imagine how her Pri One will be like as there is no way I will volunteer for any school. Yan prefers she attends international school where there is less academic teaching and less time wasting CCA. Already, we felt the best education is one the gives the child more time to play and learn rather than ca,sa and exams. Most of yan's students are so busy doing nonsense CCA in school that they have no time to rest let alone practice their pianos.

I was actually looking forward to Jan 2008 when I can have 4 hours a day Mon to Fri to work out in the gym, to do some serious shopping, attend make up courses and whip out a mean western meal or two. Sigh. My plans are delayed by another 6 months!!!

Music Theraphy
The good thing is I had already started violin lessons. When I do my lesson, Daddy will play with baby usually art and craft or swimming until I finish practicing soon after the lesson. At least once a week i can breathe an hour or so. Personal time is a rarity these days. In a way I was glad i did shop a lot, bought a lot and watched movies alot and travel a whole lot while i was still single.

Now that rachel is older and much more manageable, we do shop and watch movies but really it is to buy toys, play toys, get baby items, her clothes and watch movies like Shrek 3 and Mr Bean Holiday. Before our baby came along, attending classical concerts were our favourite activity. Now we attend only select concerts and spend almost half the ticket price for professional babysitting. Afterall, until she is 6, she is not allowed into the Esplanade or Victoria Concert Hall. I am so looking forward to the day she turns 6 and our family can attend a classical concert together, for the first time!!!

In the mean time till she attends pre-nursery, Rachel will be shopping, watching dvds (cartoons, piano and violin performances) and enjoying art and craft lessons including water colour painting. Plans to let her learn violin or ballet are put on the hold for the time being until she is older, may be 3-4. After all, she is still in diapers and needs at least one night feed (3-4am) a day. Going forward, she need to be weaned off the breast and had her diapers removed permanently first before any structured lessons.

The Magic Flute
I've watched most of Mozart's famous operas with my hubby and I loved the Le Nozzle De Figaro and the Magic Flute the most. So when GV is going to screen The Magic Flute by The New York Metropolitan Opera end of this month, our family was really excited. We should be able to bring our toddler along for this event since there are no "restrictions" for the Big Screen. Already Rachel can sing the "pa-pa-pa"song that Papageno and papagena sang after watching Amadeus several times with moi. Hee. This is also the song that she sometimes sings when she awaits daddy to be home from work. "pa-pa-pa"

She's cute!! Altogether Lovely!

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