Sunday, 29 June 2008

Taking stock H1 2008

Suddenly half of 2008 is GONE! I've been busy as usual with all the mothering, (yes I am still breastfeeding my 3.5 year old toddler), house-keeping, cooking (cost cutting measure plus opportunites to improve my culinary skills with Jamie Oliver as a "mentor"), learning the violin, which of course is a MAJOR project in life and more.

The beginning months of 2008 were very tough! As much as I prayed and fasted and hoped that my mum would recover, she eventually left us in early march, after getting very weak and sickly due to the end stages of cancer. I tried my best to care for her and help her with chores for a few months leading to the end of her life. Grieve I did for a short while, yes I miss her but LIFE goes on and with my many commitments as a full time home-maker mum, I am kept too busy to dwell in the negative region. Plus music helps really, I had read up on the deaths of chopin, beethoven, shumann and mozart and felt too the loss to the music world when they passed on.

My mum's death did remind me of my dead grandparents and I am keen to know more about my lineage though that in christ is far more important. Likewise, I do not know how much time I have with rachel but I will wholeheartedly "sow" into our relationship and thank God for her.

I hope she sees in me a mentor, a coach, a friend and lastly a mum. A mum who had a passion for Christ, music (especially playing the violin), cooking, art (drawing and painting), french, gardening, house-keeping and keeping fit. A mum who got her started on violin lessons a day before she turned 3 and is willing to queue for mascot photo-taking sessions. A mum who dotes on her and loves her with exceeding great love complete with plenty of indulgences of toys and ice-creams balanced with much nurturing and coaching activities. A mum who loves and serves the family including the wonderful daddy who is the head of the family.

The next half will be an exciting one!! We are believing God for a new home cum piano studio since our lease is expiring and the landlord has hiked the rental by double. Wherever God had prepared in advance for us, I believe it will be a good and peaceful place, safe for the family, ideal for the studio and dwelling. This next half I know God who is for us, will surely bless us with good health, marital bliss, protection, peace and prosperity.

I want to step up on violin technique, revise my french as I teach rachel, prepare healthier cuisines, strengthen my core muscles and enjoy God's abundant blessings in life. A family holiday would be nice!

Finally, I realised I've nothing I really want to buy except a house, a car and a really good violin. Well, my God who made me and loves me "will provide exceedingly, abundantly, far above all i could ever ask or imagine"

Thank you Lord!

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Violin Notes

Finally i am moving on to Suzuki Vol 2. Its been almost 11 months since I started on this enjoyable musical journey. That puts me on par with a 5 year old girl who after 2 years of vol 1 had progressed to vol 2.

Actually it does not really matter or not, the rate of progress. I've seen some students that skip music exam grades and played rather well for these examination pieces and that's it, they have little passion for music or interest or even ability to play any other pieces.

Then there are parents that adopt a kiasu mentality especially academic wise into music education. For them its Grade 8 at the shortest time possible hence lowest costs. They "forced" their kids to take exams which may not what is ideal for that developing kid and many a times, their efforts backfire and the kid felt too much pressure and call it quits.

Music is a part of life. To us its importance in life cannot be over emphasized. Apart from developing temperament, it also elevates one's appreciation for the finer things in life. Kids and adults that invests musically tend to be more relaxed and focused and disciplined. Usually those that did very well for music tend to be excellent in their academic pursuits as well.

Rachel may be 3 but she is very apt at singing and dancing and remembering musical pieces including classical repertoires. As parents we provide the platform for her to be equipped in a natural way sans the stress, to develp muscially. Growing up in a muscial family, it will be no surprise if she chooses to major in a instrument or voice or become a music teacher like daddy.

Afterall. having the right family environment helps nurture a happy, confident and musical kid.

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Not Again -Moving !!!!

It is with much regret that we will be moving again. our landlady had doubled the rent and it is no longer financially feasible to enjoy our matrimonal studio with its fantastic sea, pool and city views. Now I love mandarin gardens a lot, it is here that we dated, married and had our darling rachel. This is a wonderful place to have a family with its many well landscaped gardens, spacious estate layout and the various playgrounds and swimming pools, good gym etc. I've yet to use the bbq facilities though. And the tennis and basket ball courts, as I prefer to stroll rachel along the beach. It saddens me that there will be no more sunrise and sunset watching from the living room sofa. Sigh, walking to siglap centre area for the eateries will no longer be possible.


Where we will be moving to is at the moment a huge blur. Even the near by Marine Parade flats are commanding rentals up to $2500. With the current high levels of inflation, it really makes sense to go for the lowest rent even if it means a really tiny flat with zero views. All I ask is a cozy place, safe from loan sharks, away from weird or nasty neighbours and a recent renovated unit with air con and two bedrooms plus utility, 2+1 for short. Ideally I can still walk to the beach and we can convert a room to our piano studio complete with the computer and all the music resources.


Its sad that rachel will be moving out of her comfort zone and all the familar environment. To compensate, I will make the utility room her playground at home with her easel art corner and probably a slide and a tent. Some of her bigger toys need to go along with her push chair and stroller, ex-moses basket and stand which had not been in use.


I hate moving. All the packing and unpacking and settling down. This is my 7th time and my heart cried out to God for mercy. Why cant I live in one place till I die???? Moving is so physically and mentally tiring not to mention emotionally draining as well. All I ask is that rachel will grow up in an ideal, safe environment and I've chosen Mandarin Gardens.


Unfortunately in life, there are hiccups that derail your plans. My mum's medical treatment, chemotheraphy plus some of our debts incurred since marriage and pregnancy warrants a sale and lease back of our beloved matrimonial home. May be this is the most sentimental home ever since it was a nest that we both set up and chose the materials, furniture and fittings to do up this well renovated place. I shall treasure these memories of going through the floor plans and deciding on the renovation, of visiting the factories in Defu land and Sim Siang Choon to choose the tiles and bathroom fittings, yes including the beautiful taps and ergonomic toilet bowl.


Life goes on. I await God's blessings.